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  1. #1
    Myalansky's Avatar
    Myalansky is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Question Test Enan - Your experience

    I`m 22 years old. My weight is 77 kilos (170 pounds) and I wanna be about 90 kilos (200 pounds). So I`m gonna start Testosterone Enanthate 12 week course (every week 500mg). I will use Enan. only +good diet and hardcore training.
    My question is about how to end this course to maintain my muscle mass and power (avoiding catabolism, hair loss, acne, liver problems). I have found a lot of info and made up my plan:
    - In last 4 weeks gradually reduce dose;
    - In last 2 weeks use Nolvadex (20mg daily) and Proviron (25mg daily) - as antiestrogens;
    - In last week start use HCG (5000i.u. 6 times in 3week period) and after course Clomid (2 weeks; 2 50mg tabs daily) - to stimulate free testosterone production in body;
    - After course use Clenbuterol 8 weeks - against catabolism.

    So what do you guys think - will I maintain my mass with that plan? What is your experience with Test Enan?

  2. #2
    LB 35's Avatar
    LB 35 is offline Associate Member
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    Nov 2005
    DONT gradually reduce your dose the last 4 weeks. This is only gonna make your blood levels go crazy and you will have more side effects. Run the 500 mg for the entire 12 weeks. Break it up into two shots a week. I go Monday morning and thursday nite. You also need to adjust your PCT, which is the biggest factor in keeping your gains. I would run 20 mg Nolva and 100 mg Clomid everyday for 4 weeks or until you feel recovered. You also need to wait to start your PCT until 2 weeks AFTER your last shot.

  3. #3
    Myalansky's Avatar
    Myalansky is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Thank`s man. Your info was important for me. So to make things clear - I take ONLY Test for 12 weeks. And in PCT should I use nothing else but Nolva and Clomid only to keep all the gains without side effects? And what about Proviron and Clenbuterol ? Also I found some info - is it true that Clomid can give you the halucinations? Just want to keep my view clear.

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