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  1. #1
    Captain Fantastic's Avatar
    Captain Fantastic is offline Junior Member
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    Smile Finesteride (propecia) & PCT

    Does finesteride inhibit PCT in anyway. They don't seem to go together in that finesteride adversely affects the boys and I don't want my boys stunted in PCT any more than they already are.

  2. #2
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Fantastic
    Does finesteride inhibit PCT in anyway. They don't seem to go together in that finesteride adversely affects the boys and I don't want my boys stunted in PCT any more than they already are.
    does it affect the boys? where di you get that info? that may not be true. it may FEEL like that cuz DHT is resposible in part for sex drive and neuromuscular strenght. My brother can attest to this since he was stronger when he went off noting an unseen intensity return in his workouts, And he was not very horny when he was on it as well. this doesnt not mean the actaull test was lowered though or that the balls were atrophied, just the dht, test, estrogen ratio is off. Do you have info that it suppresses the balls?

    I nevr thought about it but now that i am its plausable that finasteride may in fact cause slight atrophy or inhihbit PCT, since DHT blocks estrogen and higher estrogen means the body will read it as to much test being madE and shut down the balls slightly.....but this is all just my thery that i have conjured up just now.

    Any more info?????

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