09-26-2006, 12:03 AM #1
Check this out bros...I think I about covered all of it!
ok bros, check this out...wanna make sure everything is lined up here for my PCT...stats are in my profile, and this my 2nd properly ran cycle(i kept 10 out of 25 leans lbs on my last test/deca /winny cycle) my cycle looks like this and am now in the 12th week...
week 1-16- letro at .5mg ed
week 1-4- dbol @ 30mgs/ed
week 1-14- test c @ 600mgs/ew
week 1-13- eq @ 400mgs/ew (both test and eq shot biweekly)
week 14-16.5- test p @ 100mgs/eod
week 14-16.5- HCG @ 500 ius/eod (shot subq)
now for PCT
week 17-20- clomid at 300mg day 1, 100mg ed for 2 weeks and 50mg for 2 weeks/ nolva at 30mg for 2 weeks, then 15 for 2-3 weeks/ clen ran at the usual style, ramped up to about 100mcg and stay there for 4wks with benadryl ran the 3rd week *I'm also debating throwing some injectable vet grade b-12 in there, to make sure and keep those cals up, i'll also be cutting my prop with this b-12..never used it before....so yeaaaa....suggestions would be good*
while on PCT i will use NOXplode preworkout, run the usual 5 g of creatine postworkout along with my dextrose and protein....i will keep cals real high and real clean....keep the sleep up and workouts short(1 hr), but intense,im lean as hell right now...not holding hardly any water at all, due to that letro...im at 183ish right now...i wanna def stay in the 180's....so any comments or suggestions would be great...i'm hoping i didnt leave anything out...thanks bros!
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