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  1. #1
    Samson7's Avatar
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    Anthony Roberts PCT minus the aramosin?

    Do you think I will recover fine if I do the Anthony Roberts PCT protocol without the aramosin, or should I just get some clomid? Will HCG , nolva and vitamin e be enough to get me going again?

  2. #2
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    clomid hcg and nolva.....all together. Mr roberts is a friend of mine. He is not a doctor. He reads and writes well..... I'm not sure what his protocol is. I'm sure he uses all of them in his pct.

  3. #3
    C_Bino's Avatar
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    I have used a few combos. In all honesty they all work fairly well.
    I did nolva, clomid, letro and HCG last time around and loved it. I bet if I took one out I wouldnt have noticed a big difference at all.

    Just try running an AI and a SERM tho imo. I have had best results doing this.

  4. #4
    Samson7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    clomid hcg and nolva.....all together. Mr roberts is a friend of mine. He is not a doctor. He reads and writes well..... I'm not sure what his protocol is. I'm sure he uses all of them in his pct.

    Thanks for the input Lion, I will consider the clomid then. I used it last time in PCT and recently I have read many articles that say you need only one SERM and AI, but I trust that you know alot about what you are talking about?

  5. #5
    Samson7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    I have used a few combos. In all honesty they all work fairly well.
    I did nolva, clomid, letro and HCG last time around and loved it. I bet if I took one out I wouldnt have noticed a big difference at all.

    Just try running an AI and a SERM tho imo. I have had best results doing this.

    So you think I would recover just fine from one SERM and one AI plus HCG? I just want to make sure I get beck to normal quickly. Should I start the HCG in PCT or do it for the 10 days leading up to PCT?

  6. #6
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samson7
    So you think I would recover just fine from one SERM and one AI plus HCG? I just want to make sure I get beck to normal quickly. Should I start the HCG in PCT or do it for the 10 days leading up to PCT?
    i would do it leading up to it. are you using the protocal from the sticky that anthony wrote about how he does pct?bad idea and my opinion using a high dose of nolva and clomid, they do the same thing, at least all i have read has said that taking both is not anymore beneficial

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lion
    clomid hcg and nolva.....all together. Mr roberts is a friend of mine. He is not a doctor. He reads and writes well..... I'm not sure what his protocol is. I'm sure he uses all of them in his pct.
    Weird...because only a few months after my PCT protocol was published in my book and on the 'net, you started carrying Aromasin again.

  8. #8
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    a van down by the river!
    instead of fighting with lion ,anthony why dont you answer the question that was posted by this member that was more or less adressed to you

  9. #9
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Roberts' pct includes the aromasin because the AI's are reduced in effectiveness in the presence of SERMs by 33%. Aromasin works through a diff mechanism so its not affected by SERMs.

    HOWEVER,(and this is just my theory)...since most pct protocals with combined AIs and SERMs only call for .25mg-.5mg of AI like adex or letro, technically you could just use closer to a full mg, .75mg-1mg, and and still net the needed effectiveness of the AI, if the aromasin price tag turns you off. Personally, letro is so damn strong IMO, that even with reduced effectiveness, its would still be enough, i would think.

    only thing with letro is that you might mistake your low sex drive and lethargy for your pct not working, but really thats how ya feel with letro. then again, some ppl get that way from nolva(like my brother), so really sex drive and such arent good markers for how your PCT is goin.
    just somethin to think about
    Last edited by AnabolicBoy1981; 10-04-2006 at 08:11 AM.

  10. #10
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    The reasons for including Aromasin are outlined in my PCT article already, as well as my article on combining Aromasin with Nolvadex for optimal results.

  11. #11
    Samson7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anthony Roberts
    The reasons for including Aromasin are outlined in my PCT article already, as well as my article on combining Aromasin with Nolvadex for optimal results.

    I have read your article many times and I thought it was well thought out and thats why I wanted to give it a try. Its just I cant get ahold of aromasin and I dont want to go the way of the research chem; so I am kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place here. So there is no way your PCT will work without the aromasin? Is there any possible way I can play with the doses of the Arimidex to keep the nolva from hindering what it needs to do?

  12. #12
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    Hi Hooker. I never carried it before. You asked me to start and you informed me you were working on the article. I added it because you sugested it and many asked for it. Aromasin is great stuff. I have always liked Letro myself. It was the reversing of my gyno that brought me to back it. I have read the studies on the 2 and thinm ether will do fine. Aromasin has some less effect on Lipid ....I never experences the negatives. Letro raises igf-1 by 27% ......and has a rebound effect. Again I never experenced it even after being on it for 2 yearsand comming off. The research says Aromasin should be better for PCt. Letro is just the better bang for the buck. Remember We sell them both. The studies hooker uses in his work are sound.
    Last edited by RUI-Products; 10-03-2006 at 11:28 PM.

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