Have done some more research after my last post??
im planning on running a 10 week deca and sust cycle
weeks 1 - 8 200ml deca
weeks 1-10 250sust
2 weeks before cycle 20mg nolva per day (gyno prone)
weeks 1-10 20mg nolva ed

20 days after last sust inj
Day 1-30- .25mg L-dex + 100mg Clomid + 20mg Nolva.

does this work or have i got it messed up again, i read some where (cant find it now) that if you are gyno prone you should start to take nolve 2 weeks before your first inj then continue with it till your last inj. on my pct is it overkill on the nolva, should i just do l-dex and clomid for pct.

advice please.