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  1. #1
    narrative is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    First cycle test enth, Need Help ASAP

    My first cycle:21yrs old 5"11 and 175lbs.....

    going to do 300-500mg/week of test enth, for im guessing 8 weeks.

    Im an mma fighter need to be light and muscle to be hard not bulky and heavy.

    What do i need for during cycle and post cycle and how much ? i did research but want opinion based on experience.

    Thanks guys please reply

  2. #2
    The_Canibal is offline Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    T E is a long acting ester you should run it at least 10 weeks, t E aromatizes and you can get a lot of bloat so you should run an AI during your should do some research and maybe use a propionate ..cause it retains less water

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