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  1. #1
    ShortFuse's Avatar
    ShortFuse is offline New Member
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    Need pct help, please!

    I have been on since March 06 and this is my first week of pct. My plan was to take HCG at 500iu ed days 1-20, Clomid 70mg ed days 1-30, and Nolva 20mg ed days 1-45. I got this protocol from the Anabolics 2006 edition written by William Llewlyn who also writes a column in the Muscular Development mag. He seems quite intelligent and well read in the field plus there was scientic studies done on subjects who return to normal levels after this particular program. Just want to know how you guys feel about this!?! I will be running HGH as well at 7 iu eod as I have done throughout cycle! I am 26, 5'8", and 251lbs. at 10-12%bf. I've been lifting for 8 years and have done lots of cycles but never any extensive pct besides clomid at 100mg ed for 28 days. Please help! Thanx!

  2. #2
    ShortFuse's Avatar
    ShortFuse is offline New Member
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    Come on all you professionals can't manage a comment or two! Help out a fellow brother, please guys!

  3. #3
    x_moe's Avatar
    x_moe is offline Anabolic Member
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    so your pct looks like this:

    week 1-3 HCG 500iu/ed
    week 1-4 Clomid 70mg/ed
    week 1-6 Nolva 20mg/ed

    are you just asking if it looks good ? i would do it like this actually
    week 1-3 HCG 500 iu/ed
    week 1-6 Nolva 20mg/ed
    week 3-6 Clomid 100mg/ed

    I usually take my hcg before i start taking my clomid, hcg will bring your balls back but will also raise up your estrogen, so run the nolva with it, when ur done with the hcg then run nolva and clomid

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