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  1. #1
    Kev_325's Avatar
    Kev_325 is offline Junior Member
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    PCT interactions

    hey guys for my cycle i
    1-12 Letro
    3-12 TEST E
    3-7 DBOL
    15-19 Nolva, Armidex, Clomid, Clen and maybe HCG

    my question is will there be any interactions with any of my pct stuff with the letro, i know ur not supposed to use nolva and letro but they arent going to be used at the same time. thanks guys

  2. #2
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    using letro and nolva like that Looks fine

    I'm more worried about your cycle though... weeks 13-14 you are completely without ancillaries...the estrogen rebound may be a suggestions:

    1. extend your letro in wks 13-14
    2. Use some HCG during wks 13-14 (optional BUT its cheap and cant hurt)
    3. If you are more advanced, cut down test E to 10 weeks and use prop for wks 11-13...that way you lessen the gap between your last shot and PCT


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