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  1. #1
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    My nuts help please low test

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    Last edited by zoidbar; 07-23-2022 at 04:16 PM.

  2. #2
    BigJames's Avatar
    BigJames is offline Senior Member
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    Bro, you tried Tribulus? Tongkat Ali? These have worked for me and other members on this forum...I recommend trying them. I cannot comment on the Tongkat, but the Trib I would suggest 3g ED with 5 days on, 2 days off.


  3. #3
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    run a full pct without the test. run nolva, clomid, an aromasin , hcg for a month

    the first three items yoy can buy from AR-R but the hcg, you have to find elswere.

    if you cant find hcg, run the other 3 anyway. then test again

  4. #4
    tman87 is offline New Member
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    Did your endo have you use Clomid/nolva?? If not, you might try that first. You could also add Myogenx, a new natty test booster. Longjack and Tribulus might help some also. Good luck.

  5. #5
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    This is bad i am taking the sustan only 100 ml took it friday today is monday i feel really deppresed and i am not sleeping well my adrenals seem to be working as i have not felt adrenilan for a long time do i have other hormones going agains my test ? I have no idea but this is what happend 2 years ago i took some saw plamento for about 10 days but got a really sore throt 2 days after i stoped i was so horny full wood and wanted to scew all the time now thats what my sex drive was like before do you think i have too much estrogen ? surely they would have picked this up on my blood work ?. I can not take colimd as it has some affect on me and freaks me out too much. why are my nutz soft ?

  6. #6
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    Sorry guys forgot to run spell check , Not my best point,

  7. #7
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Dude do you have a copy of the blood Test. What does it say for free Test and Total Test and Estradiol presuming he did a test for that

  8. #8
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    Not yet but i will post the ones i had done on the 29th of november as soon as they come in , I fell pretty shitty on this sustanol i know its only 100ml
    i am getting hot flushes and panic'y ? Why are my balls soft ? they are normal size but really soft is it because they have no juice ? Thanks guys for your help.

  9. #9
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    Ive got the results of my blood test before i started the sustanol . as follows.
    LH 3.0
    FSH 5.3
    Test 11.1
    SHBG 14.0 thats free test he tells me .
    After reading my results he now tells me all is in order no low testerone ?? And to stop taking the sustanol because i dont need it ., Next move MRI on my piturity gland and some blood tests on estrogen levels . Do the test look normal to you guys ?

  10. #10
    x_moe's Avatar
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    hey zoidbar, what you explained to us actually are symptoms of male infertility and if im right then you need to start a Clomid therapy, so go ahead and do that and you can use some Staphysagria to help with the softness of your testicles

  11. #11
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    Hi thanks for your reply can i use nova instead of clomid as clomid makes me feel pretty bad as i gat bad side effects from it buzzing eyesight probs ect. If so what are the doses and will it make me normal again ?
    Many thanks

  12. #12
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by zoidbar
    Hi thanks for your reply can i use nova instead of clomid as clomid makes me feel pretty bad as i gat bad side effects from it buzzing eyesight probs ect. If so what are the doses and will it make me normal again ?
    Many thanks
    Yeah you could replace nolva for clomid.

    However, it would better to run an aromatase inhibitor with it, or without. They will restore T-levels more effectively than an serm(clomid, nolva). You could try to run something like this and se how you mesure up in a few weeks.
    Arimidex -1mg ed
    Nolva-20mg ed

  13. #13
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    Ok vitor i will try 20 mg of novadex as i may have that to hand , How long
    should i do that for ? Ive ll so noticed before when i took this that after i come off it i get like a rebound effect and want sex or to beat off a lot thats
    what i am looking for of course but it only lasts a short time?
    Thanks for all your help guys i will post my estrogen levels as soon as they get them in.

  14. #14
    vitor is offline Anabolic Member
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    Run it until you have fully recovered.

  15. #15
    x_moe's Avatar
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    sorry but you do not need nolva in your situation, you need a treatment of clomiphene citrate & any aromatase inhibitors, but if you dont wanna use clomid then use hcg and nolva instead
    Last edited by x_moe; 12-05-2006 at 06:51 PM.

  16. #16
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    Is their anyway i can do anythink el's except clomid as it makes me panic and gives me a real bad time i thought i was going to die last time. I will try Staphysagria along with novadex things can not get any worst i hope anyway , Why are my balls soft tho ?

  17. #17
    x_moe's Avatar
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    your balls are soft bcoz you've been shutdown for a long time, its a long term side effect from using steroids with no proper pct to recover from it, i suggest a very heavy pct for you now, if u dont want to run clomid along with an AI then run Hcg /nolva/ and an AI(Letro, Arimidex , or Aromasin )

  18. #18
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    Hey mo thanks for your returnd posts , can you tell me the doses and
    times to take them and side effects please. Will the hcg give me hot flusshes and make me feel shitty ? as that releses test from your nuts ? Because i took the sustanol from the endocrin and that made me feel really shity and depressed i feel a little better today just got a real hot flush on my face all day. I dont suppose you could email me your phone number? I can get most steroids in uk if you know what i mean.
    many thanks

  19. #19
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    Pinical posted this a while back what do you think ?
    Week Nolvadex HCG Aromasin Vitamin E
    1 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
    2 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
    3 20mgs/day 500iu/day 20-25mgs/day 1000iu/day
    4 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
    5 20mgs/day 20-25mgs/day
    6 20mgs/day

  20. #20
    x_moe's Avatar
    x_moe is offline Anabolic Member
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    ya its a good pct to run, inject hcg sub-q

  21. #21
    x_moe's Avatar
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    I would send you my phone number if youll allow members to pm you

  22. #22
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    Sorry i have just updated it for you so you can email me many thanks ;-)

  23. #23
    x_moe's Avatar
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    lol still didnt work

  24. #24
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    Strange let me give you my email [email protected]

  25. #25
    joker762 is offline New Member
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    hey all i'm kinda new here so i've got a question. what is "hcg "? i've looked on the boards but couldn't find an explanation.

  26. #26
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    HCG 500iu sat/sun for 3 weeks + LH production, will increase the size of your "nuts"

    pick a clomid routine = sperm production

    alot of guys are having good success with the Myogenx product from Protein factory... for raising natural test.. new product, but that's just my experience..

    see the supplement forum for logs..
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  27. #27
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    HCG 500iu sat/sun for 3 weeks + LH production, will increase the size of your "nuts"

    pick a clomid routine = sperm production

    alot of guys are having good success with the Myogenx product from Protein factory... for raising natural test.. new product, but that's just my experience..

    see the supplement forum for logs..
    "alot" being? what? 12? i have been following the myogenix thing of course and i have yet to see more than one blood test on it. i know you felt it worked for you, but i think for this guy to spend bucks on somethin so new, would be a mistake, no offense to you spywizard.
    While there is no negative feedback on it, ill wanna see blood tests b4 i choose an herb over drugs backed by med lit.
    i only say this cuz this poor dude is shut down BIG TIME.

    And you really are zoid. 11? your test should be at least 240ng/dl! and thats if your 60!you should be around 500ng/dl i would think. was it 11mg? that would be diff. but bloods r usually in ng/dl.
    your endo who said you are fine is a dumb fvckerd, he should lose his license to practice medicine. it even says on the test where it should be for each feild. for instance
    testosterone ......................11(YOU!) 240-1100(NORMAL ranges)

    Go find a REAL endo. An AMERICAN DOCTOR. Ask the receptionist if hes american born.

    in the mean time run a militant PCT. 20mgs nolva/day, .25mg aromasin /day and some hcg if you can find it, everday 500iu, vit E also. No clomid for you. Occular toxicity is a rare but very real side affect. in fact, so is it with nolvadex , so you may have to nix that or run 5-10mgs/day instead of 20.
    if you have extra bucks, go ahead and pound some myogenx. certainly cant hurt.

    how much deca did you run and how long?
    Last edited by AnabolicBoy1981; 12-07-2006 at 12:06 AM.

  28. #28
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    Plan 1

    Week Nolvadex HCG Letrozole (Femara)
    1 20mgs/day 500iu/day 0.5mgs/day
    2 20mgs/day 500iu/day 0.5mgs/day
    3 20mgs/day 500iu/day 0.5mgs/day
    4 20mgs/day 0.25mgs/day
    5 20mgs/day 0.25mgs/day
    6 20mgs/day
    This is what i am going to run ASAP all goods have been orederd and are
    on the way i will be posting when i start and let you guys know if it works or not. Many thanks for alll your help i can all most feel the juiice in my nuts comming back all ready ;-)

  29. #29
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    AnabolicBoy1981 what do you think ??What i can find and the people i have spoken too on this board think this will get my nutz working, I still have a little libio and can have sex but its just dead wood man . I hope this sorts me out and gives me a solid wood again thanks guys for all your help and a special thanks too X MOE for your chat a 1 bro.

  30. #30
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    AnabolicBoy1981 i was playing with steroids for a few years with no PCT and the deca just killed what i had off and i have been suffering for the last few year but lately my whole sex drive is or desire is a no, I still have a WANK maybe once a day if i feel horny, I am not sure how shut down i am, BTW in uk they measure in different levels the uk range for test is.
    8.0 to 29
    My levels hang around 7 to 12 ish each time i get tested. But my endo is
    not up to date with things like HCG ect as they are not allowed to use it in uk on national health . All the best ;-)

  31. #31
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    pct looks good zoid.
    good luck with it and let us know what happens.

    i didnt see you were in england bro,lol. but .8 is like equivilent to a 240 over here. So this is good, your not completely shut down, but your like a 55 year old. unfortunrtly most docs are ignorant, so they still see a "normal" range and say your A ok.
    Look for a doc that understands those ranges are only normal when relevence to age is considered.

  32. #32
    spywizard's Avatar
    spywizard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer~
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    "alot" being? what? 12? i have been following the myogenix thing of course and i have yet to see more than one blood test on it. i know you felt it worked for you, but i think for this guy to spend bucks on somethin so new, would be a mistake, no offense to you spywizard.
    While there is no negative feedback on it, ill wanna see blood tests b4 i choose an herb over drugs backed by med lit.
    i only say this cuz this poor dude is shut down BIG TIME.

    And you really are zoid. 11? your test should be at least 240ng/dl! and thats if your 60!you should be around 500ng/dl i would think. was it 11mg? that would be diff. but bloods r usually in ng/dl.
    your endo who said you are fine is a dumb fvckerd, he should lose his license to practice medicine. it even says on the test where it should be for each feild. for instance
    testosterone ......................11(YOU!) 240-1100(NORMAL ranges)

    Go find a REAL endo. An AMERICAN DOCTOR. Ask the receptionist if hes american born.

    in the mean time run a militant PCT. 20mgs nolva/day, .25mg aromasin /day and some hcg if you can find it, everday 500iu, vit E also. No clomid for you. Occular toxicity is a rare but very real side affect. in fact, so is it with nolvadex , so you may have to nix that or run 5-10mgs/day instead of 20.
    if you have extra bucks, go ahead and pound some myogenx. certainly cant hurt.

    how much deca did you run and how long?
    well, i'm about to do the blood test.. but since no one wanted to pay me, i'm not doing the before and after.. just the after, although i am confident that i am very close to be ++++ on the side of normal for me which is a known of 250 ish...

    so that's why i have posted a log with my experience.. not proof or disproof..

    but no offense at all by the way..

    that's why i suggested listed the typical pct.. but i look forward to seeing his results..
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    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
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  33. #33
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    AnabolicBoy1981 thanks buddy , Do you honestly think this will bring me back up to my normal levels again i really hope so. Many thanks buddy,

  34. #34
    zoidbar's Avatar
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    Ps: Why did the sustan make me feel shitty ? Not horny at all made me feel really down and sex drive all most zero?
    Thanks again

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