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  1. #1
    The_Canibal is offline Member
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    PCT by "Canibal"

    after a test E , sustanon , and equipose cycle of 12 weeks
    PCT starts 4 days after the last test and sust shot(eq was finished a week earlier)

    week 1,2 HCG 500 UI ED,Nolva 30 mg ED, Letro 0.5mg ED, Vitamin E 1000 UI ED

    week 3,4 Nolva 30 mg ED, Clomid 100mg ED, Letro 0.5 ED

    week 5,6 Nolva 30 mg ED, Clomid 50mg ED, Letro 0.5 ED

    week 7,8 Nolva 20 mg ED

    STARTING FROM WEEK 3:the training routine will be 2 days on , 1 day of rest ....for the training days I will use Clen (starting at 20 mcg and going up)...for the rest days I will use Insulin (Actrapid)
    I will also add from week 3 : vitamin C 3g -5g, Vit B6, B12, Calcium (all injectable), also creatine , and BCAA

  2. #2
    Pac8541's Avatar
    Pac8541 is offline Associate Member
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    I thought Letro wasn't suggested for use with nolva? Anthony Roberts PCT mentions something about letro reducing the effectiveness of it. Is there a specific reason you're including both in your PCT?

    Oops, other way round. The nolva reduces the effectiveness of letro.
    edited to add:
    Lets add in an Aromatase Inhibitor! Which one, though? Well, since we are already using Nolvadex, we can’t use Letrozole or Arimidex, as the Nolvadex will actually greatly decrease the blood plasma levels of them (28)!
    Last edited by Pac8541; 12-27-2006 at 07:33 AM.

  3. #3
    The_Canibal is offline Member
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Pac8541
    I thought Letro wasn't suggested for use with nolva? Anthony Roberts PCT mentions something about letro reducing the effectiveness of it. Is there a specific reason you're including both in your PCT?

    Oops, other way round. The nolva reduces the effectiveness of letro.
    edited to add:

    i read about it and posted a thread about that and the majority of the guys here thought this was insignificant because letro is so what the hell letro is the strongest AI out there....

  4. #4
    Pac8541's Avatar
    Pac8541 is offline Associate Member
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    Roger that, just curious. It wouldn't surprise me to find out I'd missed something. Letro kills my sex drive so I'll leave it out of my PCT unless I see gyno but good luck to you.

  5. #5
    The_Canibal is offline Member
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    well let's say I had an encounter with gyno and had to use letro, indeed it kills the sex drive but it's very good at lowering estrogen

  6. #6
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Canibal
    i read about it and posted a thread about that and the majority of the guys here thought this was insignificant because letro is so what the hell letro is the strongest AI out there....
    true dat! go for it cannibal. i know this to be true. letro is so damn strong that taken at max or near max dosage it will not be touched by the nolva.

    how do i know? well...nolva alone gives me NO sexual sides.

    letro or ejacualations are a distant memory. the stuff is STRONG.
    like bino siad so what if it does reduce effectiveness? UP THE DOSE THEN. at 1.5-2.5mg of letro, nolva wont make a lick of difference. i would however front load the letro at 2.5 for the first to weeks. it took 4 days at 2.5 to kill my boners, and that was with or without nolva. so i say 2 weeks 2.5 then lower it if you want slowly.
    just my opinion.

  7. #7
    SMAN12b's Avatar
    SMAN12b is offline Educate B4 U Medicate
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    Why are you taking test E AND Sust???

    PCT start times for Test E is 14 days after last shot NOT 4
    Sust is more like 18 days after last shot

  8. #8
    The_Canibal is offline Member
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    well, you can see that the actual pct starts at 18 days after the last sust shot, the HCG is used to kickstart the natural testes production ,it's also inhibits the HPTA so what reason should I have to wait another 2 weeks to inhibit the already damaged HPTA .... so I finish the HCG at 18 days after the last sust shot

    p.s. I used sustanon forced by a conjuction of events (I couldn't get test E at the time)

  9. #9
    The_Canibal is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicBoy1981
    true dat! go for it cannibal. i know this to be true. letro is so damn strong that taken at max or near max dosage it will not be touched by the nolva.

    how do i know? well...nolva alone gives me NO sexual sides.

    letro or ejacualations are a distant memory. the stuff is STRONG.
    like bino siad so what if it does reduce effectiveness? UP THE DOSE THEN. at 1.5-2.5mg of letro, nolva wont make a lick of difference. i would however front load the letro at 2.5 for the first to weeks. it took 4 days at 2.5 to kill my boners, and that was with or without nolva. so i say 2 weeks 2.5 then lower it if you want slowly.
    just my opinion.

    I also used Letro throughout my I guess that it built up an acceptable level....

    thx for the feedback

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