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  1. #1
    tryintogetbig09 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2006

    Clomid N Rebound XT for SD?

    Ok I have literally read my eyeballs off the last month trying to figure out which is the best way to run my pct for 4 weeks of SD. Keeping in mind the connections made to gyno from running Nolva . Is rebound xt and clomid sufficient for a PCT? or should i just crap out more money and go with both Nolva and Clomid? I just feel that both would be a bit much for a oral like SD. Please help.

    P.S. I wanna thank all the beasts who run these forums bc the first thing i learned was research, research, research. Well ive done plenty and my SD has been waiting for a month for me to come to a conculsion. thanks

  2. #2
    test_cyp's Avatar
    test_cyp is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2007
    "I just feel that both would be a bit much for a oral like SD." Looks like you need to do some more reading. SD is actually very potent and is a designer steroid . Don't be fooled because it is an OTC oral.

    They say SD does not cause gyno, but from my own experience and others on this board, it seems there is some sort of delayed onset on gyno from SD. You might even benefit reading up on letro.

  3. #3
    tryintogetbig09 is offline Junior Member
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    Jan 2006
    im not against taking letro..ive read up on it in the past and it sounds like a great product. Im very aware of the potency of SD. this would be the second time ive taken it. of course the first time i was retarded and only took the AX rebound XT and PCT. from what ive recently read, that is in no way an adequate pct for a cycle of SD. Im just looking for opinions from more informed ppl. ill probably end up going with the nolva/clomid combo bc i know it will work.

    one more thing im concerned about, i mite be a little prone to gyno, would taking an anti-e throughout my cycle help keep the chances of that down? thanks

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