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  1. #1
    FortKnox36's Avatar
    FortKnox36 is offline Associate Member
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    in the kitchen

    Quick advice? Thanks!

    What is the best way for me to run my PCT?

    My Stats:

    height- 6'1
    weight- 210
    Age- 21

    My Cycle:

    week 1-10 Test E 250mg/week
    week 3-8 Winstrol Tabs 50mg/day
    week 8-11 Test Prop 75mg EOD

    I currently have on hand fifty 20mg pills of Nolvadex .
    I also currently have on hand one hundered 20mg pills of Clen .
    I cannot get HCG shots, and I refuse to take clomid.

    My questions are:

    How should I run my Nolvdex and my Clen.?
    What else (if anything) should I take with the Nolvadex?

    I appreciate anyone who can help out!



  2. #2
    Renesis's Avatar
    Renesis is offline Anabolic Member
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    NY, Long Island
    Quote Originally Posted by FortKnox36
    What is the best way for me to run my PCT?

    My Stats:

    height- 6'1
    weight- 210
    Age- 21

    My Cycle:

    week 1-10 Test E 250mg/week
    week 3-8 Winstrol Tabs 50mg/day
    week 8-11 Test Prop 75mg EOD

    I currently have on hand fifty 20mg pills of Nolvadex .
    I also currently have on hand one hundered 20mg pills of Clen.
    I cannot get HCG shots, and I refuse to take clomid.

    My questions are:

    How should I run my Nolvdex and my Clen .?
    What else (if anything) should I take with the Nolvadex?

    I appreciate anyone who can help out!


    I hope you mean mcg instead of mg, because if not you can expect not to live very long -.-

  3. #3
    BigJames's Avatar
    BigJames is offline Senior Member
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    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by FortKnox36
    What is the best way for me to run my PCT?

    My Stats:

    height- 6'1
    weight- 210
    Age- 21

    My Cycle:

    week 1-10 Test E 250mg/week
    week 3-8 Winstrol Tabs 50mg/day
    week 8-11 Test Prop 75mg EOD

    I currently have on hand fifty 20mg pills of Nolvadex .
    I also currently have on hand one hundered 20mg pills of Clen .
    I cannot get HCG shots, and I refuse to take clomid.

    My questions are:

    How should I run my Nolvdex and my Clen.?
    What else (if anything) should I take with the Nolvadex?

    I appreciate anyone who can help out!


    I would run as follows:

    week 12-17 Nolva 20mg ED
    week 10-17 Tribulus 3g ED

    I am not familiar with clen dosing, but apparently it has some anti-catabolic affects which is probably why you are using it. It is potent stuff as I understand it so use caution.

    I have had good results with nolva and trib for PCT. The Nolva combats estrogen AND stimulates HPTA and the trib stimulates LH production.

    Good Luck,


  4. #4
    FortKnox36's Avatar
    FortKnox36 is offline Associate Member
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    in the kitchen
    Quote Originally Posted by BigJames
    I would run as follows:

    week 12-17 Nolva 20mg ED
    week 10-17 Tribulus 3g ED

    I am not familiar with clen dosing, but apparently it has some anti-catabolic affects which is probably why you are using it. It is potent stuff as I understand it so use caution.

    I have had good results with nolva and trib for PCT. The Nolva combats estrogen AND stimulates HPTA and the trib stimulates LH production.

    Good Luck,

    Hey man...thanks for the input!

    Just one quick question...

    The tribulus can be bought at health stores like gnc, vitamin world, etc. right??

    If so...then thanks for the help!

    If not...then where can I get it? ...and thanks for the help!

  5. #5
    FortKnox36's Avatar
    FortKnox36 is offline Associate Member
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    Jun 2007
    in the kitchen
    oh and bigjames.....

    I also thought of possible running
    week 12 nolva 40mg ED
    week 13 nolva 30mg ED
    week 14 nolva 20mg ED

    run TRIBULUS like you said..

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