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  1. #1
    Discipline_1's Avatar
    Discipline_1 is offline Associate Member
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    starting pct... worried about getting her pregnant

    been doing some searching on this in this forum but havent found boatloads of info so far. I am about to start my pct in a week, been running hcg for the last 3 weeks, cycle looked like this:

    wk 1-5 dbol 40mg/day
    wk 1-9 deca 400mg/wk
    wk 1-11 test mix 550mg/wk
    wk 9-11 hcg 500iu 2x/wk
    wk 11-13 hcg 300iu 3x/wk

    starting pct of clomid and nolva 18 days after last test shot.

    I am really worried about getting my girlfriend pregnant, we never use protection (been dating a while) and i always blow it in her (she rather have me blow it in her because she hates the mess and refuses to let it touch her or me blow it on her), she has always been on the pill and says its the best pill she can get for not getting her pregnant, and she doesnt seem to worried about it at all, it wouldnt be the worst thing to happen in my life but she just started teaching this year and it just isnt the time for either of us, i am about to have her do a pregnancy test now because of the hcg i have been taking... so is my fertility going to increase that much now? should i really be concerned? is the pill going to be good enough?

  2. #2
    bigger is offline Senior Member
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    thx for the naugty info hehe. well if she gets pregnent so why dont get an abortion?
    well i havent got my girl pregnat even if i have done several pct and have long breaks between cykles. but thats just me.
    one thing is to got to doc or a spermbank and check your soliders

  3. #3
    Discipline_1's Avatar
    Discipline_1 is offline Associate Member
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    an abortion really isnt my choice, and i am prolly getting over worried for nothing, its just that i have been reading old threads on how guys have knocked up there girl after using hcg or after they have been in their pct when they have never done so before, who knows if their wives or whatever were on the pill or not but its just made me to become a lot more cautiaus and i just wanted some input

  4. #4
    Maverick_J8's Avatar
    Maverick_J8 is offline Member
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    I didn't know PCT 'Increased' the chances? If thats what you're saying.

  5. #5
    AnabolicBoy1981 is offline Anabolic Member
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    yes, HCG is specifically used in fertility for hrt patients.
    Id be concerned.
    She wants you to blow it in her because she wants you to get her pregnant so she can trap you into marriage. Women pull this shit all the time. And this crap about her being like "Eww CUM. im not gonna touch it its gross and messy etc. etc." i aint buyin it. Most girls i know love the stuff. Shes a grown woman, she aint afraid of cum dude. She wants your baby thats all so she can marry you. You seem pretty non chalant about having a baby, like "well if it happens it happens". dude your not even married so why have illigitamate kids? Why have them at all right now. Are u ready to stop goin to the gym? Youll have all your time taken up by the kid. And if u dont, you'll cathc hell from your old lady. Does this sound like a good time to you?
    WHY do u think married ppl get fat? Cuz they dont have time with kids to workout and cook eggwhites and chicken breasts. You gotta realize how much the change is gonna be man.

  6. #6
    The Deuce's Avatar
    The Deuce is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yah she is definitely wanting the baby... so you can either let nature run its course or wrap it up bub !! IMHO

  7. #7
    Malbolgia's Avatar
    Malbolgia is offline Junior Member
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    Just like the dude in Dave Chappelle's "Pop Copy" man.........WRAP IT UP B!!

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