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  1. #1
    Bob segal is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2003

    is it time to start HCG

    i have 10,000 ius of hcg , im at week 12.5 of my cycle my last shot is week 18. i ve had really good results from hcg in the past, its just been awhile, does this look all right?

    1-18 test E 500mg week
    1-18 mast E 400mg week
    1-17 EQ 600mg week
    3-20 t-3 .25mcg ed
    3-20 arimadex .25mg ed
    16-20 hcg 500ius eod ( i have extra so i could start now at 250ius e3d until week 16 then start 500ius eod)
    20-24 nolvadex 20mg ed (its safer to run nolv with hcg at same time, but i didnt want to mix arimadex and nolv at same time)
    20-24 aromasin 25mg ed

  2. #2
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    looks well designed. However, I would stop EQ at wk 16... but that's just a trivial observation.... is this a clean bulker? how'd you fare on this cycle? never tried mast e, just wanting to know if it's any good for bulking?


  3. #3
    Bob segal is offline Associate Member
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    Dec 2003
    my fav type of cycles are just cutting, solid muscle with no water, thats why i run adex throught out and keep the test low, even though gains are slow they are real and i always keep my strength and size after post. so i started out this cycle to cut, low cal, high protien diet, cardio 6xweek etc... but the eq i have must be way better then eq in the past, because around week 8 or 9 i noticed i cant stop eating, i have never been this hungry ever, so i said **** it, i'll eat healthy but a ton of eat for right now, i cant help it. but other then that gains and strength are slow but thats why you run eq for a long time, viens are crazy looking, never seen road maps like this, prob from the mast and eq!

  4. #4
    scarecrow is offline New Member
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    wouldn't u like to know
    when should i start hcg im fixin i just finished a bottle of t4 going on the second one but im going to take 2cc a week so it will only last me 5 wks and on the 3rd bottle i will slowly come off but when should i start taking the hcg and what else should i take i was thinking arimedex but when should i start taking it as well i also have some proviran that im not going to start taking till the end..... any input on how i could run the stuff better then what im thinking im probably not very clear in explaining it tho sorry

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