I have been looking to doing my first cycle and was going to do Test Cyp 400mg a week. But had been very tired during the day and was not sleeping good at night. So i thought i would go to the Doc and get some blood work befor a ran a cycle. Every thing was great but my test was 258ng so my doc hooked me up and gave me test cyp 200mg/10ml with a refill every month. I have been doing 130mg a week for 5 week how i am sleeping alot better but energy is still low they said it could take a few more weeks. I went and had my blood work again last week and my level came back 670ng so i am good at 130mg. My question is if i do a Cycle of test Cyp should i do just the 400mg for 12 weeks or should i do the 400mg+130mg that i am doing for replacement? And as far a PCT should i stop the 130mg replacement?

I was thinking of doing
Test cyp 400mg 1-12week
winny 50mg 8-14week

What should i keep on hand for gyno?
What should i run for pct?

I been reading about all the stuff for pct but seems like everyone uses somthing different.