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  1. #1
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Arrow Arimidex length?

    I was thinking about running adex during my cycle at .25mg eod. My cycle is gonna be 14wks. I'm starting to put my pct together and i was thinking about just extending the adex for my pct. I would up the dosage to .5mg ed but i dunno if i can run it that long? I really wanna get some aromsin but I can't find any. Anyway do you think I can run adex that long. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks guys.

  2. #2
    hockeyguy's Avatar
    hockeyguy is offline Associate Member
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    bumb. curious to know also

  3. #3
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    I was thinking about running adex during my cycle at .25mg eod. My cycle is gonna be 14wks. I'm starting to put my pct together and i was thinking about just extending the adex for my pct. I would up the dosage to .5mg ed but i dunno if i can run it that long? I really wanna get some aromsin but I can't find any. Anyway do you think I can run adex that long. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks guys.
    An AI may not even be needed during PCT if estrogen is kept in normal ranges (which Arimidex usually does).

    If estrogenic side become apparent during your cycle up your dose of Arimidex to 0.5mg/ED, then run it during you PCT at that dose.

    Yes its fine to run Arimidex for that duration, but swapping AI's can be more effective.

    PCT with Clomid/Nolva

  4. #4
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    I thought of doing the "normal" clomid/nolva pct 4wk cycle but I really don't like the negatives i hear associated with clomid. For example if you take too much you lose your eyesight? What the hell is that about, oh ya i wanna take something that does that to me. If I had to which i'm thinking i do, I would go with 20mg nolva and 25mgs of clomid ed. Think that will work or is it too low? If anything I would up the nolva dosage. But from what I read nolva is pretty close to adex. I'll read it again but what you guys think?

  5. #5
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by jc95605 View Post
    I thought of doing the "normal" clomid/nolva pct 4wk cycle but I really don't like the negatives i hear associated with clomid. For example if you take too much you lose your eyesight? What the hell is that about, oh ya i wanna take something that does that to me. If I had to which i'm thinking i do, I would go with 20mg nolva and 25mgs of clomid ed. Think that will work or is it too low? If anything I would up the nolva dosage. But from what I read nolva is pretty close to adex. I'll read it again but what you guys think?
    Your getting there, a little more reading in the profiles forum on Nolva, Clomid, Arimidex and you;ll have it. Nolva and Clomid are SERM's and Arimidex is an AI.

    Clomid's sides seem to become apparent when dosing above 50mg/ED. 25-50mg/ED is what doctors prescribe to hypogondal males with low testosterone levels . Its more than enough IMHO.

    Vision problems can become and have become apparent on low doses of Clomid, but are very rare. They can also appear when using Nolva.

    The key here is to use low dose, 25mg should be the start and 50mg/ED the higher end IMHO. That combined with Nolva for around 5 weeks will be sufficient. Arimidex 0.5mg-1mg/ED or Aromasin 12.5-25mg/ED can be added, if needed.

  6. #6
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Well, finally all this reading is paying off. During my 12-14wk cycle of test e and tbol i'm gonna be running adex at .25mgs eod to help keep the bloating down. I think this also is gonna keep the estro down so I would ASSUME that my pct wouldn't have to be that strong or that long? I'm still gonna run one of course but i'm thinking more towards 25mgs of Clomid and 20mgs of nolva ed for 4wks; less if i can. How does that sound? All this reading on AAS I wasn't really looking in the PCT forum. Sorry about that.

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    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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  8. #8
    Malbolgia's Avatar
    Malbolgia is offline Junior Member
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    Yes, and now if we could actually FIND adex, we'd all be happy campers. Lion still out of stock.....

  9. #9
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    it was on sale bout 2wks ago, probably cleaned him out. I know i got some, just to have. I love that stuff, works awesomely.

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