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  1. #1
    Matthew777 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2008

    Angry Help! Post Cycle Problems!

    I take steriods every 3 years or so, so not a big user. 6 weeks ago I finished taking 2ml of Deca and 2ml of Sus 250 for 4 weeks. During the cycle I picked up a throat/sinus infection and just after the cycle had to take antibiotics. Immediately afterwards I stupidly went on a boys holiday and drank loads of alcohol every night for a week. I started experiencing hot flushes for the entire holiday which frightened my to death but I realised from research that this was due to testoterone levels dropping heavily (probably the drinking as this causes levels to drop by up to 25%). My body clock was all over the place as well from partying all night. I returned home and I have simply spent 2 weeks eating, drinking lots of fluids and resting and I am slowly feeling better. I also stopped having sex as well in an attmept to let my natural testosterone levels get back to normal. 2 days ago I had sex and about 6 hours after I felt shocking. No hot flushes but I felt very fragile and it feels abit like you feel after you have had an adrenalin rush if you know what I mean - a bit fight or flight feeling. I feel better today but not sure what to do. Do I take some HCG to shock my testosterone levels back to normal (now 6 weeks after last shot) or do I just relax and wait a few weeks for all to get back to normal? Guys I'm really worried as never had this before. I've always felt a bit low post cycle but I need a kick. Also considering one of these post cycle natural supplment course? Please help!

  2. #2
    skinnykenney's Avatar
    skinnykenney is offline Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2008


    sounds like your body needs to get on a regular scedule and then about two weeks later you will start to feel better.....

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