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  1. #1
    nikkak77 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Fatigue & sex drive during PCT

    I would liek your help on the following:
    After a 10 week cycle with Anadrol , Sust and Deca (plus 250iu 2x a week of HCG from week 4 until the end)i started my PCT cycle as described from Anthony Roberts plus i included 50mg ED of Proviron for the sex drive. I am now approaching the end of the second week of the PCT and i feel really tired!
    I go to the gym every Monday and Tuesday and on Wednesday i cannot keep my eyes open from the fatigue. Imagine how are my Thurdays and Fridays when i have to hit the gym again.
    I have never felt like this before and i was wondering if there is something wrong.
    With regards to the sex drive, although i can get it up, i surely do not feel horny at all. I cannot have sex more than twice in a row and imagine that the second time the amount of sperm coming out is far less than it used to be. This really got me scared.

    I thought that with the use of HCG during cycle i would feel a lot better by now.

    Perhaps it is the crazy hormones!

    Any thoughts what might be wrong?

  2. #2
    Dukkit's Avatar
    Dukkit is offline Vitamin Enhanced Sociopathic Post Whore
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    Aug 2005
    well thats normal for pct. loss of sex drive and lethargy. im in pct now and im the same way. but thats how i always get during pct.

    but maybe your PCT items are bunk?? or underdosed??

  3. #3
    nikkak77 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Thanks for the reply.

    No all the stuf is legit simply because here in Greece we can buy Nolva and HCG (Pregnyl) from the pharmacies without prescriptions. I bought the Aromasin form a friend but i was also brought to me from a pharmacy.

    We'll see how it goes.

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