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  1. #1
    johnnysc22 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    M-Drol PCT (Not The Typical Question)

    I am just finishing up my last few days of my M-Drol Cycle (10-20-20). After alot of research I purchased Nolvadex for my SERM in my PCT. I had the product in my possession before I started the m-drol cycle, but out of some circumstances I don't have the Nolvadex anymore.

    I just re-ordered more Nolvadex but it won't be here for 2-3 weeks. What do people recommend I do?

    Should I continue the m-drol cycle until my fresh batch of nolvadex gets here?

    Should I stop my cycle as planned, use novadex xt, 6-oxo which I can pick up locally for 2 weeks until my Nolvadex gets here and then start taking it?

    After so much planning and having everything on hand I end up getting screwed like this. I am freaking out now that I am going to get gyno because I can't start the nolvadex right away like I was planning.

    I just saw a website. Sounds like they will ship priority vs the air mail that i went through. Anyone know how fast they ship to east coast of us? I'll pay whatever to get it here asap if thats what i need to do. the site sells the liquid version which i am guessing you can narrow down the site.
    Last edited by johnnysc22; 06-23-2008 at 11:32 PM.

  2. #2
    200byjune's Avatar
    200byjune is offline Senior Member
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    Mar 2008
    run your cycle another week. 4 weeks wont hurt you. even 5 weeks if need be. its not that bad if your taking all your support supps

  3. #3
    johnnysc22 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    I am taking all my support supps.

    Someone on another forum mentioned taking Post Cycle Support and 6-oxo which I can get priorited to my house in 2-3 days..take that instead of extending the mdrol cycle until the nolva gets here in 2 weeks.

    What do you think?

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