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  1. #1
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
    Mogamedogz is offline Member
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    Exclamation STILL SHUT DOWN HARD from M1t - using Nolva for PCT- VETS PLEASE HELP!

    Currently on week four of a my m1t cycle 20mgs per day (low dosage), and im having trouble getting it and keeping it up.

    I have some Noladex for PCT, as I didn't figure I would need much more. I've ran higher dosages of M1t in the past and never experirenced anything like this before.

    Will I need more than just the Nolvadex this time around to rebound? WTF??

    Can someone offer any advice here?

    Should I add an AI? I have some Mynogenex Test booster, but that stuff is garbage.

    Also... for the time being, would it hurt if I popped some viagra/cialas or something, just to keep the wife happy. this shit is embarassing!!
    Last edited by Mogamedogz; 08-18-2008 at 08:43 PM.

  2. #2
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
    Mogamedogz is offline Member
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    About to start my PCT Using Nolva only. Should I add clomid to this, or is it not necessary??

  3. #3
    Voice of Reason's Avatar
    Voice of Reason is offline Senior Member
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    no clomid, add an AI like arimedex, aromasin , or add some proviron .

  4. #4
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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  5. #5
    Mogamedogz's Avatar
    Mogamedogz is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voice of Reason View Post
    no clomid, add an AI like arimedex, aromasin, or add some proviron.
    How much Arimedex should I add? I never thought M1t would shut me down this hard. Nolva alone use to work perfectly fine for me when i took the stuff before.

    My body just isnt responding to it this time around. My Libido is non exsistant and I am having extreme difficulty keeping it up and finishing. Big problem for the wife.

    Can someone please give me the proper dosage of AI I should be running. I want to make the order like ASAP.


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