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  1. #1
    Bullyson's Avatar
    Bullyson is offline Associate Member
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    How long does it take to crash?

    Just finished up a cycle a few weeks ago and as stated before, all my PCT gear was thrown away by the gf. Anyhow, I havent really noticed a crash and I went out cold turkey. Still pretty horny, not depressed, a little acne on the shoulders and thats about it. Should I be expecting a crash or would it have happened already? BTW, the cycle was Sust for the 1st few weeks, tren and testE in the middle and tren Sust at the end. Ive been off for a couple weeks and I'm kind of waiting for this horrible crash I've heard so much about. A little help? Thanks.

  2. #2
    real mckoy 69's Avatar
    real mckoy 69 is offline Junior Member
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    thats awesome, from what ive heard especially coming off cold turkey there should be some serious mental and physical side effects but if u feel good keep on keepin on

  3. #3
    real mckoy 69's Avatar
    real mckoy 69 is offline Junior Member
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    yo bullyson, i was curious what would happen when u end a cycle without pct also ending it cold turkey instead of slowly lowering the dosages, what do u think?

  4. #4
    Bullyson's Avatar
    Bullyson is offline Associate Member
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    I dont know man. This was my 1st so I have no clue. I didnt taper at all. I actually raised the dose when she started bitching just so I could get it over with. I was site injecting 50mg tren ed, and 1cc sust every 3rd day in the glute. I dont get it either. Thats why I asked if I should still be expecting to crash or if it should have happened already.

  5. #5
    Bullyson's Avatar
    Bullyson is offline Associate Member
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    And for the record, tren makes me f**king nuts. I dont recomend ANYONE using that sh*t in their 1st cycle. I didn't know what to expect... I was warned and I didnt listen so I payed the price. Its a great cutter. I got down to 198lbs lean and very vascular. I couldnt figure out how I got so big and lost weight. A great experience but not something for one who already has a bad temper. Made me VERY jelous and when I would get denied sex from the gf I thought it was the end of the world.

  6. #6
    Bullyson's Avatar
    Bullyson is offline Associate Member
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    Bump. Never got any help... A little?...Please? Thanks, DJ.

  7. #7
    nhl1 is offline Associate Member
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    It usually takes me about 3 1/2 weeks before it hits. But it does hit, and considering you were on tren , sust, and teste, i would expect it to happen.

    I dropped 10 lbs in about 3 days after my last cycle, although a lot of that was probably water. And then after your initial crash I would just expect to start slowly tapering back towards what you were on before the cycle. With test blends and no ptc i would say thats what you can expect. I dont know how keepable tren gains are as I've never tried it.

    I don't know about all the psychological effects - you should actually be able to sleep like a baby soon though - but its like you can feel the strength drain out of you overnight once all the hormones get used up.

    6-oxo is the best OTC supplement that I have used fyi. It will not get your test levels any noticably higher than your average levels but it will work to help get you there faster. Go and get some at gnc man, don't just go cold turkey, you're just going to throw away everything that you worked for.

  8. #8
    nhl1 is offline Associate Member
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    oh and the going crazy from getting denied sex by the gf could easily be the high test levels. I know that horrible frustration all to well.

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