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  1. #1
    slugger75 is offline New Member
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    end of Deca cycle

    i'm finishing up my first 30cc 12 week deca cycle, what kinda of post cycle side effects will i get? i haven't got the kinda results, probably due to not good enough diet, but what can i stack this winter to get cut and gain strentgh? i'm already a big guy, 6'1" 250, but i gotta get rid of the flab, lotsa cardio in my near future

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    wow, where to start.
    what is your planned pct?
    what is your body fat%?

  3. #3
    slugger75 is offline New Member
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    i'm not sure a pct is gonna be necessary? deca 's pretty clean, and i'm only doing 3cc's a week, and on the way to cycling is around 20%, but i'm on a strenuous cardio kick, and changed my diet drastically, i'm 32 y.o. and i've finally decided that i want a nice body to look, at...genetics will play a big part i know, but i want to keep getting rid of bf and get a lot more definition this winter

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    good lord bro, deca shuts you down from the very first shot, of course pct is necessary.
    your bf is way too high to be cycling anyway.

  5. #5
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    wow, where to start.
    what is your planned pct?
    what is your body fat%?
    I'll lend a hand Big.

    You need to read up on Deca , start in the Profiles Forum.

    Second, your diet and training should determine whether your cutting, bulking, not your choice of compound, although some are better than others.

    Third, Deca (19-Nor derived steroid ) is one of the MOST suppressive compounds, causing HPTA shutdown (or there abouts) using a single shot of 100mg.

    PCT is essential, it always is.

  6. #6
    slugger75 is offline New Member
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    ok, this is all info i didn't gather from the git-go...for the next couple of months i will work to get my BF down, maybe 18-19%, and then after first of year start another cycle? i feel pretty ignorant now, but i do see some strength gains, but my diet sucked...i wasn't eating like i should have been, was still taking Lipodrene for weight loss, which wasn't a good idea, not enough protein, etc for the muscles...i'm still not completely comfortable on my diet (not knowing what to eat)other than i'm taking in mr Kcals and protein, but eating like 5 or 6 times/day, but if/when i do decide to cycle again (for cutting purposes, just to look good) what is recommended? thanks for your help fellas
    Last edited by slugger75; 08-11-2008 at 03:16 PM.

  7. #7
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by slugger75 View Post
    ok, this is all info i didn't gather from the git-go...for the next couple of months i will work to get my BF down, maybe 18-19%, and then after first of year start another cycle? i feel pretty ignorant now, but i do see some strength gains, but my diet sucked...i wasn't eating like i should have been, was still taking Lipodrene for weight loss, which wasn't a good idea, not enough protein, etc for the muscles...i'm still not completely comfortable on my diet (not knowing what to eat)other than i'm taking in mr Kcals and protein, but eating like 5 or 6 times/day, but if/when i do decide to cycle again (for cutting purposes, just to look good) what is recommended? thanks for your help fellas
    You've stated that your diet isnt upto scratch. This is essential. Imperitive.

    Whilst cutting (more so) diet is the key, that combined with cardio are the most important factors.

    Get this sorted and keep it up for 8-12 months, then think about cycling again if you hit a plateau.

    Steroids are meerly en edge and addition, there not the quick answer your looking for. Remember, Rome wasnt built overnight.

    Diet and cardio in check. Then cycle. When you've done this for the right amount of months/years and achieved a decent goal you've set yourself, come back here (or PM me) and you'll get the best steroid advice on offer.

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