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Thread: PCT critique

  1. #1
    splash7285 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    PCT critique

    I'm thinking

    100mg/day clomid week 1-4
    20mg/day nolvadex week 1-6
    .25mg/day L-dex week 1-4

    Test E 500mg/week wk 1-12
    Deca 400mg/week wk 1-10
    Dbol 50mg/day wk 1-5

    ON CYCLE> using Ldex for gyno/water .25mg EOD as needed. If gyno noticed, how long should i need to run the L-dex ( running it in pct so trying to use minimal on cycle) and is this dose good?

    PCT> Is it going to be fine that i'm using L-dex on cycle and will also be using for PCT? Aromasin isn't on AR or I would use it.

  2. #2
    J-Dogg is offline Anabolic Member
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    Oct 2001
    Don't take my word for it, but Clomid and Nova are both AI's, I don't know if running both would be any more effective than running Nova alone.

    I'd run Letro the last 4 weeks and 2 weeks after and keep nova on hand incase you get sore nips. I'd then run nova week 10-12 40mgs (2 times daily 20mgs) and then drop to 20mgs week 12-14.

  3. #3
    splash7285 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    my week listings for pct are starting 18 days after last injection. (week 1 starts 18 days after last injection)

    clomid/nolva are more effective in different areas so i'm running them together

    i believe the liquidex is best for "sore nips" (gyno) on cycle and this can happen any time not just the last few weeks of the cycle.

    my questions with this pct are...

    If gyno noticed, how long should i need to run the L-dex ( running it in pct so trying to use minimal on cycle) and is this dose good?

    Is it going to be fine that i'm using L-dex on cycle and will also be using for PCT? Aromasin isn't on AR or I would use it

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