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Thread: Do I need HCG?

  1. #1
    HackBen is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Do I need HCG?

    This is my first cycle: 500mg week test E for 8 weeks, then 4 week step down(400, 300, 200, 100). The first 4 weeks include 20mgs a day D-Bol. 12 weeks total.

    I've got a bunch of Nolva on hand and am 3 weeks into the cycle. A friend of mine said Clomid is all you need for pct but everything I read says otherwise.

    For a PCT without HCG , couldn't I just take the Nolvadex and say some Aromasin and still be able to keep some of my gains without growing boobs or anything?

    Any advice here would be very much appreciated.

  2. #2
    money31 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Keep the test at the same levels throughout the entire cycle. Dont taper. And no, hcg is not necessarily needed. Nolva at 40mgs for two weeks, then at 20mgs for two weeks 'should' be sufficient. The only way to completely know if youre back to normal is bloodwork. Good luck

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