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  1. #1
    Gatekeeper32 is offline New Member
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    Need to clarify a few things.....

    Now I am new to the anabolic world and have been trying to research info on this site. I am still unsure on a few topics. I realize that everyone will have different opinions on some things but I would like a collaboration of ideas here.

    Goal: Run Test Cyp 400mg/w for 12 weeks with a good PCT.

    1. Is is ok to run nolva and clomid together for PCT when they are both SERM's? I thought you were supposed to have a SERM and a AI? I will definitely have Lethro in case of Gyno problems.

    2. In the middle of a cycle if I run into Gyno symptoms do I start the lethro treatment while on cycle, and then discontinue once symptoms are gone? Or since I would have discovered that I am prone to Gyno, run Lethro at a low dose on cycle until I start pct.

    3. Is it ok to have the liquid formula of Nolva or Clomid rather then pill form.

    4. Is it highly recommended to run HCG with ANY cycle for PCT? And if so is 500iu e4d ok.

    I hope you guys can help me with these questions and thanks a lot.
    Last edited by Gatekeeper32; 08-17-2008 at 12:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gatekeeper32 View Post
    Now I am new to the anabolic world and have been trying to research info on this site. I am still unsure on a few topics. I realize that everyone will have different opinions on some things but I would like a collaboration of ideas here.

    Goal: Run Test Cyp 400mg/w for 12 weeks with a good PCT.

    1. Is is ok to run nolva and clomid together for PCT when they are both SERM's? I thought you were supposed to have a SERM and a AI? I will definitely have Lethro in case of Gyno problems. You shouldnt need an AI during PCT if you have already controlled estrogen whilst on your cycle. I use Arimidex 0.5mg/EOD or ED. Then dont use an AI during PCT.

    2. In the middle of a cycle if I run into Gyno symptoms do I start the lethro treatment while on cycle, and then discontinue once symptoms are gone? Or since I would have discovered that I am prone to Gyno, run Lethro at a low dose on cycle until I start pct. I suggest using an AI when "on". It aid with recovery and will reduce the chances of estrogenic sides.

    3. Is it ok to have the liquid formula of Nolva or Clomid rather then pill form. Yes. The same.

    4. Is it highly recommended to run HCG with ANY cycle for PCT? And if so is 500iu e4d ok. I suggest 125-250ius 2-3 times weekly. Please read my sticky at the top of the forum, its evident you havent.

    I hope you guys can help me with these questions and thanks a lot.

  3. #3
    Gatekeeper32 is offline New Member
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    So is it ok to run Nolva and Clomid side by side or better to run only Nolva?

  4. #4
    Gatekeeper32 is offline New Member
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    So if I were to run letro during cycle at .25mg ED, then no AI would be needed for PCT. Then I would use HCG , Clomid and Nolva for the PCT. Is this correct? Thanks for the patience...)
    Last edited by Gatekeeper32; 08-17-2008 at 03:30 PM.

  5. #5
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gatekeeper32 View Post
    So is it ok to run Nolva and Clomid side by side or better to run only Nolva?
    Clomid is more effective at raising T than Nolva is. Its the first weapon Endo's use and has far more research done on it raising T in male subjects.

    I dont think the Profile on Nolva is right. It states Nolva is better as the author (and idiot) didnt like Clomid (got sides etcc...).

    Clomid and Torm are the first choices IMHO.

    But one can also use Nolva too. But Clomid and an AI (if needed) will suffice.

  6. #6
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gatekeeper32 View Post
    So if I were to run letro during cycle at .25mg ED, then no AI would be needed for PCT. Then I would use HCG , Clomid and Nolva for the PCT. Is this correct? Thanks for the patience...)
    Again, read my sticky, you still havent.

    It states that an AI shouldnt be needed if one was used during your cycle.

    If I were you, I wouldnt use Letro, its to strong. Arimidex is perfect at 0.5mg/ED or EOD. HCG at 125-250ius 2-3 times weekly, then bump leading to PCT (read my sticky). Then PCT with Clomid, Nolva (if you want) and/or Torm.

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