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  1. #1
    midnight777's Avatar
    midnight777 is offline Associate Member
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    here is a dumb question

    I will be into my 2nd week of pct which is hcg and Nolvadex . One of my friends from college is having a party for labor day. I have not had a drink in about 5 months. What would happen if that night, I had a few drinks would it do any harm, while I am in my pct phase. Or maybe I should just stay home...

  2. #2
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    stay home
    alcohol diminishes protein synthesis
    thus, 'tis bad for muscle

  3. #3
    mclovin009's Avatar
    mclovin009 is offline Junior Member
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    i wouldnt stay home if i were you bro. a few beers isnt going to kill you. (everyone knows alchole destroys protein synthesis) A. gettin a lil buzz isnt going to make you lose your gains anymore than your already goin to on pct and B. whats the point of this lifestyle if we can relax once in a while with those closest to us???? life i sshort live it to the fullest

  4. #4
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    I've drunk on 17aa's, on injetables and during PCT.

    I DO NOT ADVISE IT DURING PCT. Your body is already struggling to hold onto mass/gains and consuming alcohol during this peroid is nothing but harmful. PCT lasts 4-6 weeks (hopefully), giving up getting pissed isnt that hard for a sort peroid. Have the odd beer, but dont get smashed and not eat properly the next day. I did it and regretted it.

    I have the odd glass of red wine (many benifits) but alcohol, in general, will inhibit protein synthesis and raise estrogen levels.

  5. #5
    Jfew44's Avatar
    Jfew44 is offline Senior Member
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    Getting drunk lowers test production and what are you trying to do with your PCT? Ya, get it back up. Sure, a couple beers wont kill you, but all the sacrafice you've put it, do you even want to risk it at all? Just my .02

  6. #6
    Flex-Appeal's Avatar
    Flex-Appeal is offline Senior Member
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    My advice, go have fun limit yourself to a drink or two, if you must.
    You have held out for 5 months, can't go a little longer?

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