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Thread: Advice on pct

  1. #1
    peevysteve is offline New Member
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    Advice on pct

    starting my new course and am running a test only cycle. im going to run 600mg a week for 10 weeks. Could any one advise me on times and dosage of pct. (hcg , nolva, clomid)
    Last edited by peevysteve; 08-18-2008 at 11:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    What test?

  3. #3
    peevysteve is offline New Member
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    maximum test 400 mate

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by peevysteve View Post
    maximum test 400 mate
    2 Weeks after last shot Nolva 20mgs ed for 3 weeks.

  5. #5
    peevysteve is offline New Member
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    so i wont be needing hcg or clomid???

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by peevysteve View Post
    so i wont be needing hcg or clomid???
    No clomid, unless your balls have shrinken excessively then no no hcg necessary.

  7. #7
    peevysteve is offline New Member
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    thanks for the advice mate.

  8. #8
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    I would also suggest an AI (like aromasin ) to run along with the nolva, which I would do for four weeks. Clomid can be considered optional; same with hcg . As far as when to begin pct, I don't know what ester or blend that stuff is, so I can't say. Since you seem lost on pct, can I ask what do plan to use for or in case of sides while on cycle? You say new course, yet I see in your previous posts you were starting a deca -only cycle in April? Time on + pct = time off.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    I would also suggest an AI (like aromasin) to run along with the nolva, which I would do for four weeks. Clomid can be considered optional; same with hcg. As far as when to begin pct, I don't know what ester or blend that stuff is, so I can't say. Since you seem lost on pct, can I ask what do plan to use for or in case of sides while on cycle? You say new course, yet I see in your previous posts you were starting a deca-only cycle in April? Time on + pct = time off.
    Test cyp Test e Test prop.

  10. #10
    peevysteve is offline New Member
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    ErnstHatAngst i had just started then and was clueless and didnt run any pct. I know i was stupid and should have researchd but didnt. realised i didint have a clue and stopped for a while and just been reading forums n looking at poeples cycles ect. punished enough with the after effects of deca with no pct dont need a rant
    Last edited by peevysteve; 08-18-2008 at 02:04 PM.

  11. #11
    peevysteve is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbigt View Post
    Test cyp Test e Test prop.
    spot on mate cheers. u no of enywere online for nolva that delivers to the uk?

  12. #12
    Ernst's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peevysteve View Post
    ErnstHatAngst i had just started then and was clueless and didnt run any pct. I know i was stupid and should have researchd but didnt. realised i didint have a clue and stopped for a while and just been reading forums n looking at poeples cycles ect. punished enough with the after effects of deca with no pct dont need a rant
    I am sorry to hear that, but how was I supposed to know? I wasn't trying to flame you, just trying to offer good advice. Hope this one goes well for you. Good luck.

  13. #13
    peevysteve is offline New Member
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    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    I am sorry to hear that, but how was I supposed to know? I wasn't trying to flame you, just trying to offer good advice. Hope this one goes well for you. Good luck.
    thanks mate wont make the same mistake twice trying to do everything right this time.

  14. #14
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    All you above suggesting Clomid is "optional" and "use Nolva over Clomid" are plain wrong.

    Clomid should be used in every PCT (25-50mg/ED). Not the larger doses, this is when sides arise.

    Clomid is more effective and there is more research done on male subjects than Nolva.

    HCG is also essential at 125-250ius 2-3 times weekly to maintain endogenous testosterone .

  15. #15
    bigracso is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    All you above suggesting Clomid is "optional" and "use Nolva over Clomid" are plain wrong.

    Clomid should be used in every PCT (25-50mg/ED). Not the larger doses, this is when sides arise.

    Clomid is more effective and there is more research done on male subjects than Nolva.

    HCG is also essential at 125-250ius 2-3 times weekly to maintain endogenous testosterone.

    why, in this forum, everybody advice me Nolva + clomid (nolva better than clomid, so better nolva alone) every PCT?

  16. #16
    peevysteve is offline New Member
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    Im lost now I dont know what to do. ???????????

  17. #17
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Swifto is a very knowledgeable and highly respected member of this board. The pct advice he has given is excellent. Certainly that *particular* hcg protocol is new to me, and as being necessary. The man does his homework. That being said, you will definitely see many different pct opinions on this board, I know it can be confusing. This board is a collection of knowledge and experience, opinions and advice change over time as people learn more and share their experiences. Swifto is offering the new and improved version pct (nice new-ish sticky, just noticed it yesterday), not quite AR, and def not Pheedno's. Is it absolutely necessary to do nothing short of that? Many would argue no, but it's a very, very good recommendation. If it helps you at all, my own pct will include clomid, nolva, and adex (and some letro on hand...) these compounds were all that was available to me, and I chose to use all I could get my paws on. It's true that many don't stand behind or recommend clomid-- people apparently much more experienced and knowledgeable than myself, in fact; hence my throwing it out as an option (which I now wish I could go back and edit that post, but I'm not gonna be a little bitch and do that). Still, pct is no time to short yourself-- if you can follow Swifto's advice I think that would be a good thing for you. At least get as close as you can and then post it for review since you're unsure-- don't tell Swifty I said that last part... j/k
    Last edited by Ernst; 08-19-2008 at 12:59 PM. Reason: 'cause I made a mistake, why else?

  18. #18
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by ErnstHatAngst View Post
    Swifto is a very knowledgeable and highly respected member of this board. The pct advice he has given is excellent. Certainly that *particular* hcg protocol is new to me, and as being necessary. The man does his homework. That being said, you will definitely see many different pct opinions on this board, I know it can be confusing. This board is a collection of knowledge and experience, opinions and advice change over time as people learn more and share their experiences. Swifto is offering the new and improved version pct (nice new-ish sticky, just noticed it yesterday), not quite AR, and def not Pheedno's. Is it absolutely necessary to do nothing short of that? Many would argue no, but it's a very, very good recommendation. If it helps you at all, my own pct will include clomid, nolva, and adex (and some letro on hand...) these compounds were all that was available to me, and I chose to use all I could get my paws on. It's true that many don't stand behind or recommend clomid-- people apparently much more experienced and knowledgeable than myself, in fact; hence my throwing it out as an option (which I now wish I could go back and edit that post, but I'm not gonna be a little bitch and do that). Still, pct is no time to short yourself-- if you can follow Swifto's advice I think that would be a good thing for you. At least get as close as you can and then post it for review since you're unsure-- don't tell Swifty I said that last part... j/k
    Thank you very much for the kind words.

    Anthony Roberts does not like Clomid, it gave him sides, even at low doses, hence his pro-Nolva attitude.

    Truth is, Clomid is used at massive doses far too often. I've never agreed with the 300mg day one dosage. Its not needed. Studies state 25-100mg/ED is more than enough, 100mg being the absolute maximum.


    There is far more research done on Clomid than Nolva in males.

    Most studies on Nolva show an increase in LH/FSH/T over extended periods (months). Whilst Clomid (25-50mg/ED) show increases in LH/FSH/T in days/weeks.

    Its most Endo's first option when treating hypogondal males.

    Its more active in the pituitary, whilst Nolva is more active in breast tissue. Clomid/Tormifene are PCT meds IMHO, whilt Tamox (Nolva) and Raloxifene are used better for fighting gyno.

    Nolva is more toxic than Clomid.

    Both Nolva and Clomid can cause vision problems, some argue Nolva more.

  19. #19
    peevysteve is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys i think ill be following swifto's advise as he seems like he knows his stuff.

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