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  1. #1
    lilharley is offline Junior Member
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    May 2008

    Need some advice

    WELL then end of my cycle jumped up on me. today would be my last shot of prop. and ive got 1500ius of hcg and nolvadex . should i shoot 500ius ed for the next 3days or 1500ius today. whats your thoughts????????

  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilharley View Post
    WELL then end of my cycle jumped up on me. today would be my last shot of prop. and ive got 1500ius of hcg and nolvadex. should i shoot 500ius ed for the next 3days or 1500ius today. whats your thoughts????????
    Either. I dont think it matters.

    HCG should also be used during your cycle, not for PCT.

    Run some HCG, then get some Clomid and run it as follows:

    wk 1-5 Clomid 25-50mg/ED
    wk 1-5 Nolva 20mg/ED

  3. #3
    lilharley is offline Junior Member
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    May 2008
    thanks for the advice. almost everything i have read. reads do not use the two together (clomid and nolva) the work agianst eachother, takes 150mg of clomid to increase test as much as 20mg of nolvadex .....etc i understand y u say only for pct. but there are also reads on using in pct. how i basically look at it im ending today with my last shot.and first shot of hcg and first dose of nolvadex. the prop wont be out untill 3days and im fairly sure hcg wont last much longer then that. ........

  4. #4
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by lilharley View Post
    thanks for the advice. almost everything i have read. reads do not use the two together (clomid and nolva) the work agianst eachother, takes 150mg of clomid to increase test as much as 20mg of nolvadex.....etc i understand y u say only for pct. but there are also reads on using in pct. how i basically look at it im ending today with my last shot.and first shot of hcg and first dose of nolvadex. the prop wont be out untill 3days and im fairly sure hcg wont last much longer then that. ........
    Clomid is more effective at raising endogenous testosterone levels than Nolva is. I dont agree with Anthony Conner's article.

    Clomid or Tormifene should be part of every PCT.

  5. #5
    lilharley is offline Junior Member
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    May 2008
    heard that well ive got both. in this game everyones body is diff.

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