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  1. #1
    FreeDOOM's Avatar
    FreeDOOM is offline Associate Member
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    to much estrogen left in powder and SERMS

    IF I use test prop taken from cattle pellets and it contains to much estradriol would a SERM like clomid of nolvadex help control and prevent gyno. I know that SERM drugs competitively binds to estrogen receptors so it would make since that it should help in this case. Obviously an AI is worthless in this situation. is it ok to run a SERM and an AI during my cycle?

  2. #2
    Edgar's Avatar
    Edgar is offline Associate Member
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    ve jay jay land
    why is an AI worthless in this situation?

  3. #3
    FreeDOOM's Avatar
    FreeDOOM is offline Associate Member
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    Western US
    Quote Originally Posted by Edgar View Post
    why is an AI worthless in this situation?
    an aromatase inhibitors blocks the enzyme called aromatase which converts Androgens to estrogen. This works fine for any estrogen produced as result of taking steroids but if estrogen is left in the powder because of a faulty conversion then an AI wont do any good. I just wanted some clarification that a SERM would be adequate.

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