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  1. #1
    mikedeuce is offline New Member
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    my first cycle of test prop and EQ

    What is the proper PCT for 10 weeks, at 400 per week pf each???

    i have nolva, clomid on hand> do I need HCG ???

  2. #2
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikedeuce View Post
    What is the proper PCT for 10 weeks, at 400 per week pf each???

    i have nolva, clomid on hand> do I need HCG???
    Do some research.

    Start by reading the sticky's...

  3. #3
    mikedeuce is offline New Member
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    stickys aren't specific to what i have available. please help out

  4. #4
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    damn newbies, u guys should do research, but it breaks my heart when people are in need and i know i can help them. so i will
    ur doing a test only cycle, so u wont need hcg since it is used for more suppressive cycles with like nandrolones and trenbolones and etc
    now ull be fine with nolva and clomid.2 weeks after ur last shot of test do this

    week 1-2 40 mg of nolva 50 mg clomid ed
    week 3-4 20 mg of nolva 50 mg clomid ed

    that sould be able to get ur body back to normal


  5. #5
    mikedeuce is offline New Member
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    thank you sooo much! but as i originally stated, i also have equipoise i there as well, running at 400/week along with the prop. Is the PCT you stated still good or do i need HCG as well? thank you again in advance

  6. #6
    stallion_1 is offline suspended
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikedeuce View Post
    thank you sooo much! but as i originally stated, i also have equipoise i there as well, running at 400/week along with the prop. Is the PCT you stated still good or do i need HCG as well? thank you again in advance
    no. u wll still be fine. but remember to do the eq only week 1-8 since u wanna get it outta ur system when ur still running syntethic test.

  7. #7
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikedeuce View Post
    stickys aren't specific to what i have available. please help out
    My sticky explains all this...?

    EQ needs to be run for a minimum of 12-14 weeks to get anything from it. This is what hundreds of users suggest.

    Your taking exogenous testosterone (Test Prop) so your endogenous testosterone will be shutdown, so it really doesnt matter if you run EQ. As long as its not a 19-Nor. But you should know this and have found this in your research.

  8. #8
    mikedeuce is offline New Member
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    Thank you both, but now I'm really confused.

    Stallion , you say to run EQ only week 1-8, then the prop

    Swifto, you say i need to run EQ for 12-14 weeks to be effective.

    Which one is it ???

  9. #9
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikedeuce View Post
    Thank you both, but now I'm really confused.

    Stallion , you say to run EQ only week 1-8, then the prop

    Swifto, you say i need to run EQ for 12-14 weeks to be effective.

    Which one is it ???
    EQ has a very long ester attached to the parent hormone (Boldenone (sp)) and user state (to get the best effects from it) run it at 12-14 weeks atleast. Which seems logical considering it long acting ester.

    Test Prop requires frequent injections, so I hope you like pinning yourself? Enan or Cyp maybe better quited with EQ.

  10. #10
    mikedeuce is offline New Member
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    so in that case, do I start with the prop and then discontinue it and follow it along with either a test E or Cyp for the duration of the cycle??

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