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  1. #1
    jasontriff22 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Exclamation no treatment after cycle!

    hi ive recently jus finished a cycl using omnadren and for month an maxtest 250 for 3 weeks. this was my first cycle, before starting i didnt get enough research about takin gear so ive had no treatment since my last injection this was 1 week ago, do i need the treatment? if i dont take any treatment such as clomid or tamox will it affect my in the long run or will my body naturally recover. please send replies thanx all..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
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    im no expert but your cycle was so short that you may be ok,but i would do some sort of pct just to be safe.imho i belive you should have done some resurch first before putting things in your body. if you would have done like 15 mins of reading on this site you would now that test cycles are run for like 10-12 weeks and that you wont feel or see any resustls for like 4-6 weeks depending on the esters. also, most responsible users do a post cycle therapy to help get there endocrine system back on track cus test "shuts you down". anyways good luck to you and read read read.

  3. #3
    jasontriff22 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    ok thanks for that information. i cant et hold of anytreatment. can i get Clomifene perscribed?

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