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  1. #1
    Parke5 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    I think I understand PCT, but nto sure.

    So is it basically your body stops making natural testosterone ?
    So then when your cycle is over you wont have any testosterone?
    And it makes you like Bi-Polarish?

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Nov 2007
    So is it basically your body stops making natural testosterone ?
    So then when your cycle is over you wont have any testosterone?
    And it makes you like Bi-Polarish?
    Depending on the compounds in your cycle yes your natural test production can be shut down or severly reduced. You will have very little test but likely still some.

    Being bi-polar has nothing to do with it.

    PCT is Post cycle therapy adn it is a combination of serms and ais that aids you in recovering and sometimes people also incorporate hcg . You have a long way to go before touching any gear.

  3. #3
    Swifto's Avatar
    Swifto is offline Banned- Scammer!
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    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by redz View Post
    Depending on the compounds in your cycle yes your natural test production can be shut down or severly reduced. You will have very little test but likely still some.

    Being bi-polar has nothing to do with it.

    PCT is Post cycle therapy adn it is a combination of serms and ais that aids you in recovering and sometimes people also incorporate hcg. You have a long way to go before touching any gear.

    Long way before touching gear IMHO.

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