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Thread: 2nd cycle PCT

  1. #1
    chew78 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2007

    2nd cycle PCT

    Hi I am planning my second cycle my first cycle was test e only, which i finished in March.
    my second cycle will consist of:
    Test E 500mg per week for 12 weeks
    deca @300mg per week for 9 weeks
    dbol @ 30mg per day for the first 4 weeks.
    vitamin b6 @200mg per day
    for my pct I was planning to take:
    Nolva 20mg per day for week 14-18 so 4 weeks
    idex @.25mg for weeks 14-16

    I cant work out if I should take nolva during the cycle and if I should add clomid to my pct??????
    can anyone who has done a simmilar cycle give me some heads up please???

  2. #2
    Ernst's Avatar
    Ernst is offline Borderline Personality
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    Don't use nolva on cycle with deca , as this can aggravate gyno instead of helping against it. It's still fine for pct though. For me the b6 and adex while on has been just fine for keeping bloat and gyno at bay, though I always keep letro on hand. For pct I definitely would add clomid, and in fact, I would even go with some hcg too. Deca apparently really shuts that shit down. If you have access to aromasin , this would be preferred over adex for pct use. Is there a reason you are stopping deca 3 weeks before instead of two as usually suggested? Usually I would suggest 10 weeks as a minimum for deca anyway. And you will begin pct 2 weeks after last inject, yes?
    Last edited by Ernst; 12-07-2008 at 10:20 AM. Reason: Bad spelling makes baby Jesus cry.

  3. #3
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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  4. #4
    chew78 is offline New Member
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    cool thanks for that, I think I will add clomid to the pct.
    there wasnt any real reason to stop the deca at 9 weeks I just thought i will give my body an extra week to start recovering from deca that was it really, although i guess it prob wont make any difference

  5. #5
    chew78 is offline New Member
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    Nov 2007

    clomid or nolva

    cycly nearly done, should i stick to nolva and idex or should i swap nolva for clomid or use clomid, nolva and idex????

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