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  1. #1
    electroshock666 is offline New Member
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    Hairloss during PCT (Letro)

    I ran a 6 week cycle of Test Prop, Tren and Equipose and had no problems.

    However at the end of the cycle I got itchy nipples and figured it was on the onset of gyno. At this point I started taking Nolvadex and a doctor prescribed me femara. I ran a very low dosage of femera, 0.25mg ramping up to 1.25 mg, which I ran for a total 2 weeks.

    After the first week I started to notice my hair thining out, then in the course of about 3 days my hairline moved back about an inch and on the sides it went back about 2 to 2.5 inches.

    I've read that letrozole can cause hair thinning and hairloss, but I also read about a member on the board here that had the exact same problem with Letro and Nolvadex and his hair grew back after a number of months.

    Nobody on either side of my family is bald or has a receding hairline.

    I have started shampooing with nizoral every second day, and I started to take 1.25mg of proscar daily in the hopes that it will stop the shedding. And I stopped taking Letro 2 days ago.

    I'm finishing up my PCT with just 20mg of Nolvadex a day for another week along with 50mg of clomid per day for another week to make sure that my natural testosterone levels come back.

    I'm wondering if anyone else has had similar problems during PCT?

    Should I continue with my PCT and see it through or should I go cold turkey?

    Many Thanks,


  2. #2
    electroshock666 is offline New Member
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    Anyone have some experiences?

  3. #3
    dwarvenbeer1 is offline New Member
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    I think it may stem from your actual AAS cycle as well. I noticed some 2-3 months after my cycle and when finishing PCT. Mine happened from test p and winny cycle, followed up by nolva, clomid and some L-dex for pct. I used pheendo's pct if that means anything to you. Mine is on the hairline, and was (is) very gradual at the moment. I am starting therapy with some nizoral today and ordering stuff asap. What did you decide by the way, and what is your hair status now?
    Last edited by dwarvenbeer1; 01-16-2009 at 12:34 PM.

  4. #4
    electroshock666 is offline New Member
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    Since my hair line receded and my hairline thinned out within the span of a week I believe what happened was the letro caused accelerated androgenic alopeica.

    I've run 4 cycles in the past 6 years with no hair loss or thinning and my family has no history of MPB. My hair only began to thin out and my hair line recede about 4 days after starting letro.

    I finished up my PCT (clomid and nolvadex ) last week and now I'm trying to recover. My testicles are tiny and my hormones are all messed up. Waiting to here back from my doctor on the results of my blood tests.

    My hair has stopped thinning out and I'm seeing some new hair growth, but very little at this point. I suspect that I will have to wait several months to see anything happen. I've seen mixed results of user experiences on the board, so I'm hopeful that it will grow back, but I'll update this post as time goes on.

    The Letro wiped out my libido, gave me some nasty depression and killed my hair. I took finistrade for about a week, but then went off it because I want my libido to come back, and one of the side effects of finistrade is sexual disfunction. I use Nizoloral 2% every 3 days, but not sure if its doing anything.

    Also I lost about 12 lbs during the 2 weeks I was on letro.

    I've heard mostly positive things about letro, not sure why it hit me so hard.

  5. #5
    electroshock666 is offline New Member
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    It has been almost a month since my last post.

    And i have no good news.

    My hairline has moved back considerably, and I continue to shed hairs at a normal rate, however no new hairs are growing.

    I believe that my folicles are in the telogen phase.

    I am going to see a hair specialist on Thursday to see if my follicles are miniaturizing, which I'm hoping they are not (so that my hair actually grows back without drugs.)

    However I don't have a lot of faith since my hair is thinnest on the top of my head and it continues to recede at the temples.

    My libido is still nowhere near normal, probably because I am stressed out about my hair 24/7.

    I am hoping that it recovers so that I don't have to shave it all off. Some people accept hair loss easily, others have a hard time with it, like myself.

    If anyone has similar experiences, I would love to hear them. I can't be the only one.


  6. #6
    ni4ni's Avatar
    ni4ni is offline Pharmaceutically Enhanced
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    You're not the only one.
    Has anyone ever tried Minoxidil or Propecia during a cycle?

  7. #7
    Wildcard is offline New Member
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    I am currently on 1mg of propecia/finistride and 5mg minoxidil. Three years ago i started taking propecia and it did work well for me...i did experience shedding for the 1st and 2nd month but it wasn't extremely noticiable. I started to see new growth around the frontal area after the 4th or 5th month...which was reassured me that the stuff was doing what its supposed to...i did however notice a slight decrease in my sex drive but nothing terrible.

    1.5 years ago i stopped taking propecia bc of a slight change my finances...BIG MISTAKE....when they say you loose all the hair you maintained or grew...its so true to a large or small degree, im sure depending on the person. Im not completely bald but I'm starting to have the Jude Law/Heath Ledger look.... Not bad looking guys...but the hair is kinda distracting. At this point I notice that my crown area has thinned to the point of transparency...well almost...but its bad hair line has receded about 1 inch...

    Since discontinuing prop, i started taking 5% minox for 1 year now, but its not as effective as propecia was by itself - at least from my personal study/experience i still managed to loose all or most of the hair that i maintained and grew using prop/fin.

    I just started taking the prop/fin again in hopes of maintaining what i have now and or regrowing some hair back... i am hoping that i do not experience the shedding stage since i've been on the minox for about a year now therefore, i hope that because of the presence of minox that the shedding phase will short lived if at all....i cant deal with a shedding phase...but i will hang in there...results results results...i saw it before and i hope to see it again...although im not expecting a complete restoration...i am excited that i started back at this....

    VANITY IS SANITY....there's nothing wrong with that.

    Anyway, if there is anyone out there that can share an experience or 2 about taking prop in conjunction with minox....

    If you are taking minoxodil and have added propecia/finistride (or vice, versa):

    1. Did you experience any shedding after adding the additional treatment while currently on another?
    2. Have you noticed dramatic positive changes in the density of you hair??? If its not too much trouble, please state time frames for different stages (shed, regrowth), i.e., i shed for the 1st 2 months...

    3. How long have you been in treatment?

    Thanks for all your comments and participation...its been very helpful to me....


  8. #8
    bboveri is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by electroshock666 View Post
    It has been almost a month since my last post.

    And i have no good news.

    My hairline has moved back considerably, and I continue to shed hairs at a normal rate, however no new hairs are growing.

    I believe that my folicles are in the telogen phase.

    I am going to see a hair specialist on Thursday to see if my follicles are miniaturizing, which I'm hoping they are not (so that my hair actually grows back without drugs.)

    However I don't have a lot of faith since my hair is thinnest on the top of my head and it continues to recede at the temples.

    My libido is still nowhere near normal, probably because I am stressed out about my hair 24/7.

    I am hoping that it recovers so that I don't have to shave it all off. Some people accept hair loss easily, others have a hard time with it, like myself.

    If anyone has similar experiences, I would love to hear them. I can't be the only one.


    Any updates??

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