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Thread: Gyno Help

  1. #1
    XChris1632X is offline New Member
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    Gyno Help

    Ok well I have done a bit of reading on this and I know that most people say long term gyno is no reversable without surgery, but is there any way to minimize it? I first did a pro hormone cycle a year and half ago and developed gyno and didnt even realize it (wasnt educated at all even though I thought I was). Now I am stuck with a 25 cent machine bouncy ball size lump only under my left nipple. It doesnt even really hurt to the touch anymore and feels more like a build up of really tough fat thats lumpy. As my body fat is dropping from around 20% to now around 15% it is so much more noticeable. Two different doctors have looked at it and said not to worry because at my age they have seen it come and just go away. I am concerned and now really hating the fact that I have a boob resembling madonna's on one side.

    I want to get it taken care of perm. but have to wait 3 more months until I am off military orders. I am currently taking a cycle of spawn and have Nolva, Clomid, LDex, and Letro(not planning on taking all, just had them incase). I am wondering if during my nolva/chlomid pct I will be able to shrink it some or have some type of effect on the sorounding tissue that looks really breast like. I am finally starting to get my body on the right track but this feels like 3 steps back looking at it now. It is very noticable. Any suggestions until I can have my old real doctor look at it?

  2. #2
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    R.I.P. TMOS
    "Estrogen Control, Treatment, and PCT by WARMachine"

    This is exactly why i wrote this.

    Here is my sticky on gyno treatment, and prevention.

    READ IT!

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