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  1. #1
    fitfreak6 is offline New Member
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    1st Test-E Cycle, can anyone look this PCT plan over?

    Okay, 25, planning out a test-e cycle of 500mg for 10-12 weeks.

    Still havent gotten ahold of any PCT so I am obviously not going to go any further until everything is in hand.

    My plan so far is:

    Have Nolvadex on hand incase I see any signs of gyno during cycle, if not, stay off of it.

    2-4 weeks before the end of cycle start 200-300iu of HCG every 3 days while also starting 20mg's of Nolva every other day until the end of cycle.

    Now, here is my first question,
    1a: do I ramp up the HCG until the end of the cycle then cease using it all together?
    2a: Also, from my reading it looks like I run the Nolva with the HCG to combat the increased estrogen?
    3a: After my cycle is over do I cease using both of them until 2 weeks after the cycle is over then begin my PCT?

    Then for the PCT my plan was 20mg's of Nolva and 100mg's of Clomid.

    Here is my second set of questions.
    1b: I have seen where people start their PCT dosages high and taper them off, any advice on this and how long should I run them for a 10-12week test-e cycle?
    2b: Do I also need to get some L-dex, Arimidex , or Aromasin ? If so, which one and how much?
    3b: Also, can anyone guide me on how many mg's (or i.u.'s) of each (hcg, nolva, clomid, and possibly (l-dex, a-dex, or aromasin) I will need throughout the whole process so I can then being to look for it (and know how much I need).
    4b: Lastly, if you are kind enough to come up with those numbers, could you also give me what a fair price to pay for the whole setup will be.

    I know there are a lot of questions here so I really appreciate anyone who is willing to help. I figure the gear part is simple, its an effective PCT that many people fail to do right. Thanks in advance, and please add any additional information you think is important.

  2. #2
    V-ROID's Avatar
    V-ROID is offline Member
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    All good questions that I would like to hear answered.
    Since joining this forum I have become more interested PCT than cycles. Well almost!

  3. #3
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dville_gt View Post
    Okay, 25, planning out a test-e cycle of 500mg for 10-12 weeks.

    Still havent gotten ahold of any PCT so I am obviously not going to go any further until everything is in hand.

    click the banner at the top right of the screen

    My plan so far is:

    Have Nolvadex on hand incase I see any signs of gyno during cycle, if not, stay off of it.

    good idea

    2-4 weeks before the end of cycle start 200-300iu of HCG every 3 days while also starting 20mg's of Nolva every other day until the end of cycle.

    good start time and good dosage. drop it one week prior to post cycle. as far as the spike in estrogen i would suggest using a low dose AI to actually help keep estro levels down which will help make post cycle smoother rather then a SERM.

    Now, here is my first question,
    1a: do I ramp up the HCG until the end of the cycle then cease using it all together?


    2a: Also, from my reading it looks like I run the Nolva with the HCG to combat the increased estrogen?

    see above.

    3a: After my cycle is over do I cease using both of them until 2 weeks after the cycle is over then begin my PCT?

    the HCG i would stop one week after your cycle is over (or one week before post cycle, same thing)

    if you run an AI i would continue running that up to post cycle. If you choose to run the Nolva then just continue it on through to post cycle.

    Then for the PCT my plan was 20mg's of Nolva and 100mg's of Clomid.

    Nolva 40/40/20/20 or 20/20/20/20
    Clomid 50/50/50/50

    Here is my second set of questions.
    1b: I have seen where people start their PCT dosages high and taper them off, any advice on this and how long should I run them for a 10-12week test-e cycle?


    2b: Do I also need to get some L-dex, Arimidex , or Aromasin ? If so, which one and how much?

    arimidex or aromasin

    adex - enough to run at .5mg ED throughout cycle
    aromasin - enough to run at 25mg ED throghout cycle

    3b: Also, can anyone guide me on how many mg's (or i.u.'s) of each (hcg, nolva, clomid, and possibly (l-dex, a-dex, or aromasin) I will need throughout the whole process so I can then being to look for it (and know how much I need).


    do the math for the HCG

    4b: Lastly, if you are kind enough to come up with those numbers, could you also give me what a fair price to pay for the whole setup will be.

    nope. cannot discuss prices here.

    I know there are a lot of questions here so I really appreciate anyone who is willing to help. I figure the gear part is simple, its an effective PCT that many people fail to do right. Thanks in advance, and please add any additional information you think is important.

    answers are in bold. as a side note i dont think HCG is absolutely necessary for this cycle but certainly wouldnt hurt.

  4. #4
    WARMachine's Avatar
    WARMachine is offline Post Cycle Extraordinaire~GOT PCT?
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    ^ Agreed with Peachy.

    A little much on the AI dosing for me, id do .25mgs ED of Adex if you decide to use it.

  5. #5
    peachfuzz's Avatar
    peachfuzz is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by WARMachine View Post
    ^ Agreed with Peachy.

    A little much on the AI dosing for me, id do .25mgs ED of Adex if you decide to use it.
    ya im not suggesting using it at that dose. but having enouogh on hand to run it at that dose if need be.

    .25mg or .5mgEOD is generally plenty.

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