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Thread: My first PCT

  1. #1
    F4iGuy's Avatar
    F4iGuy is offline Senior Member
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    My first PCT

    Let me start by saying I've gotten excellent suggestions from several mods. I'm not ignoring your advice just trying to work with whats available.

    This is for Test cyp. 500mg 10 weeks. Please read everything then proceed to or


    1. I believe start time is 18 days from final shot, but also heard 2 weeks. Can somebody confirm?
    2. Aromasin is dosed at 15mg. I'd rather use 15 than 30. Is this sufficient?
    3. I've read a lot about clomid and it makes me nervous... especially the possibililty of permanent vision sides. Do I need it? I want to dose as low as possible, is my plan good?
    4. I added a 5th week for Nolva. I figure it can't hurt right?

  2. #2
    bene7422 is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2008
    you don't need the extra week with the nolva,4 wks is fine.that's a real light cycle so you can use the clomid or the aromison,u don't need both I would go with the far as the sides with the clomid some people get them worse than others and some don't at all but that's mostly with higher doses,your doses are very low.I run clomid like this

    100/50/50/50, but in your case with that cycle you could get away with running 50mg the whole 4 wks,your doses on the nolva are fine

  3. #3
    F4iGuy's Avatar
    F4iGuy is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks. I wish there was one procedure that was best for everybody. It seems there are guidlines with PCT but so many different options.

  4. #4
    bene7422 is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2008
    Yea that's true,there are so many different ways and protocals to run pct that alot of people get confused,you just gotta find out what works best for you

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