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  1. #1
    aaron1mix's Avatar
    aaron1mix is offline Junior Member
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    Nolva with Deca during cycle??

    This is new to me. I just read a thread in another forum and saw that Nolva and Deca during cycle do not go well together?

    I'm mid cycle deca/sust and just took 40mg of Nolva last night. I was starting to get really sensitive nipples.

    Was that not a good idea? I read a lot about the PCT and was going to have Arimidex on hand but could not get it. I had never heard that Nolva and Deca are not good together on cycle.

    Does the combo INCREASE the chances of Gyno?

  2. #2
    Ripped Mass's Avatar
    Ripped Mass is offline Associate Member
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    Yes nolva can make your gyno WORSE with running deca , due to progesterone issues, somehow the nolva increases progesterone or something like that-I just know you are not supposed to use it. If you cannot get arimidex you could try proviron or letro. Trust me if you cannot get another anti-e get off the deca NOW! I have gyno from years ago from that deca and will probably have to have surgery one day if I cannot rid it with some of Warmachines methods.

  3. #3
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
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    Yep, that was my first mistake using nolva with deca . At first the nolva got rid of the itchy nipples but as time went on it became more painful. It was a while before someone told me not to use nolva with deca!!!!! Arimidex is more preferable if you can get it.

  4. #4
    aaron1mix's Avatar
    aaron1mix is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for the responses. I was surprised as well. Not sure why they act together like that. Deca is very low rate of Aromatization, but I will trust the people on here.

    I am going to order the liquidex from AR-R . I think it is the same thing as Arimidex . I am just finding this out. Just hope I'm catching it soon enough. Maybe it's nothing I just want to be safe.

  5. #5
    ROBOCOP's Avatar
    ROBOCOP is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by aaron1mix View Post
    Thanks for the responses. I was surprised as well. Not sure why they act together like that. Deca is very low rate of Aromatization, but I will trust the people on here.

    I am going to order the liquidex from AR-R. I think it is the same thing as Arimidex. I am just finding this out. Just hope I'm catching it soon enough. Maybe it's nothing I just want to be safe.
    Its the same thing mate.

  6. #6
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Some claim in upregulates PgR. Whether or not PgR makes estrogen related gyno worse is a different matter.

    Some use Tamox when using 19-Nors (Tren /Deca ) and are fine, others it seems to aggrivate. But Tamox is still very active in breast tissue when using 19-Nors or not. I'd try it and see if it helps.

  7. #7
    titanium9 is offline New Member
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    ugh this is just so confusing as hell... if nolva does not work with deca why the hell is it included on the novice cyle??? thank god im still in my reviewing stage.

    Please provide an explanation as to why they would post it in the novice cycle when nolva and deca does not work well together.

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