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  1. #1
    turbotoast is offline New Member
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    Newb needs PCT Advice

    I got a freebie of Oxanabolon from my gym's owner.

    It's chemical signature is:

    4-chloro-17a-methyl-etioallochol-4-ene-17b-ol-3,11-dione @ 10mg per pill

    It recommends 2-3 pills a day.

    Before I went just throwing something into my body I wanted to get some background info. I posted on another forum and was informed that basically this is a steroid plain and simple. It just made it through a loop hole because of how it is made.

    So now I am learning about preloading and cycle support etc... One thing I was drilled with was that I need to learn correct dosage levels and longevity of PCT based on the steroid and my size. I am 5'8" and 172lbs I don't know my exact BF but my waist is 32" and would consider it to be low based on definition.

    I was planing on using Anabolic Innovations Life Support as my Pre-Load and Cycle Support. My main concern is learning when to start my PCT and the dosage levels I need to use.

    I understand ar-r seems to carry everything you need for PCT, but I am having trouble figuring out which one is the nolva/clomid replacement.

    It will probably be January before I start this cycle because of travel during holidays, and the fact that I want to make sure I know exactly what I'm doing before I do it.


  2. #2
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by turbotoast View Post
    I got a freebie of Oxanabolon from my gym's owner.

    It's chemical signature is:

    4-chloro-17a-methyl-etioallochol-4-ene-17b-ol-3,11-dione @ 10mg per pill

    It recommends 2-3 pills a day.

    Before I went just throwing something into my body I wanted to get some background info. I posted on another forum and was informed that basically this is a steroid plain and simple. It just made it through a loop hole because of how it is made.

    So now I am learning about preloading and cycle support etc... One thing I was drilled with was that I need to learn correct dosage levels and longevity of PCT based on the steroid and my size. I am 5'8" and 172lbs I don't know my exact BF but my waist is 32" and would consider it to be low based on definition.

    I was planing on using Anabolic Innovations Life Support as my Pre-Load and Cycle Support. My main concern is learning when to start my PCT and the dosage levels I need to use.

    I understand ar-r seems to carry everything you need for PCT, but I am having trouble figuring out which one is the nolva/clomid replacement.

    It will probably be January before I start this cycle because of travel during holidays, and the fact that I want to make sure I know exactly what I'm doing before I do it.

    I am not a big advocate on oral cycles only.
    The pro hormones that come and go are hard to keep up with.
    As far as the PCT is concerned, it is listed here in most of the posts here.

    I will look into this particular one, as it seems to be a off chute of anavar .


  3. #3
    turbotoast is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    I am not a big advocate on oral cycles only.
    The pro hormones that come and go are hard to keep up with.
    As far as the PCT is concerned, it is listed here in most of the posts here.

    I will look into this particular one, as it seems to be a off chute of anavar .

    Much appreciated

  4. #4
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    Looks like a pro hormone that does suppress your natty test.

    I would run a pct plan of clomid and nolva, 3 weeks long.


    I found some suggested pct plans, but nothing that would actually increase natty test on its own.(natural OTC).

    I am not sure how long you would be running this, so the following is based on the information I have found.

    You may want to look into this further yourself.

    They still sell this, so it's found easily.

    I did find a cycle of this hormone with test.

    That is what I would suggest.



  5. #5
    turbotoast is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TITANIUM View Post
    Looks like a pro hormone that does suppress your natty test.

    I would run a pct plan of clomid and nolva, 3 weeks long.


    I found some suggested pct plans, but nothing that would actually increase natty test on its own.(natural OTC).

    I am not sure how long you would be running this, so the following is based on the information I have found.

    You may want to look into this further yourself.

    They still sell this, so it's found easily.

    I did find a cycle of this hormone with test.

    That is what I would suggest.


    I would be running the cycle for 50 days. I will be using Anabolic Innovations Life Support for my pre-load and cycle support. I have 60 days worth of this so I will pre-load for 10 days and have enough to have a dose every day during the cycle.

    I will be buying nolva/clomid and running it for three weeks as a PCT. I have been reading good things about using BioForge with PCT as a natural test booster.

    Could you post the cycle you found or a link to it? I remember seeing someone who was doing just the cycle you are talking about, but I can't find it anymore. From what I read it was a pretty decent gain.

    Thanks again for the advice.
    Last edited by turbotoast; 10-21-2009 at 08:35 PM.

  6. #6
    TITANIUM's Avatar
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    It was a cycle of 250 mgs X2 week of test E.

    12 wk cycle.


    4 wk pct starting 2 wks after last test injection.

    This was with the Oxanabolon added.

    I don't remember the post was exacty , but remember it.



  7. #7
    turbotoast is offline New Member
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    Thanks for that man.

    I have tons of more questions, but I'm going to try finishing all the starter reading material on this site before I ask anymore. Hopefully I will be able to answer most of them myself. You've been a great help in helping me to get my initial bearings in this new world.
    Last edited by turbotoast; 10-22-2009 at 07:15 AM.

  8. #8
    freakinhuge is offline Senior Member
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    Get the real PCT chems from arr, even for a pro hormone cycle, you want the best PCT possible. Get the clomid and the nolva. And you may want to have something on hand for any gyno issues like their aromasin or letrozole .

  9. #9
    turbotoast is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by freakinhuge View Post
    Get the real PCT chems from arr, even for a pro hormone cycle, you want the best PCT possible. Get the clomid and the nolva. And you may want to have something on hand for any gyno issues like their aromasin or letrozole.
    What would be the recommended dosing on the letrozole ? The one I am looking at provides 2.5mg per ml and is a 50ml bottle. Considering my cycle will last 50 days and I would like to have the AI for another 30 after the cycle is finished that only works out to a dosage of 1.56mg per day. Is that enough (buying more letro isn't a problem I just don't want to buy extra if it isn't needed.), and would you recommend daily dosing or is every other day enough.

    Also if I was going to use just the oxanabolon would you still wait two weeks after the last dose to start the Nolva/Clomid or just start the day after the last dose?

    Someone (nutritionist) told me that taking a liver supplement during the cycle will hinder the effects of the drug because it is a weaker form of a true anabolic . The idea of not taking a liver sup sounds very dangerous to me. Will something like UDCA really hinder my results?

    Thanks again for all the great info.
    Last edited by turbotoast; 11-17-2009 at 01:33 PM.

  10. #10
    turbotoast is offline New Member
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    Bump for question in the last post please.

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