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Thread: Proper Pct?????

  1. #1
    weightlifter79 is offline Junior Member
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    Question Proper Pct?????

    After your last injection of Test wait 2 weeks and start PCT. Clomid 50mgs for a month: 150mgs the first week, 100mgs the 2nd week ,and 50 mgs the 3rd and 4th week. Anti Estrogen like Arimidex for the first 2 weeks while taking the Clomid is this a good Pct???

  2. #2
    PistolPete33's Avatar
    PistolPete33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    The Clomid amounts are rather high. 150mg/day will be difficult. I've struggled with 100mg/day and had to drop it to 50mg/day because of the sides.

    Also, you don't want Arimidex for PCT you want Nolva. Can do Nolva at


    Some say that's too much and to just stick with:


  3. #3
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    Clomid and Nolva should be all you need. Nolva for sure!!!!!

  4. #4
    weightlifter79 is offline Junior Member
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    Arimidex and Novadex Question???

    What is the difference between Arimidex and Novadex??? Why shouldnt you use Arimidex for your PCT??? IM confused

  5. #5
    meathead320 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by weightlifter79 View Post
    What is the difference between Arimidex and Novadex??? Why shouldnt you use Arimidex for your PCT??? IM confused
    Nolva just blocks estradiol at the receptor site.

    Clomid also blocks estradiol at the receptor site, mostly in the hypothalimus.

    they are both Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators or SERMs. There are different schools of thought on which on is more productive for PCT, some guys use both. I think clomid is the faster working of the two however (some of the vets may have better info on that though).

    Arimidex binds to the aromitase enzyme that converts testosterone to Estradiol. Since that is the main source of Estradiol (type E2 Estrogen) in men, it can drastically reduce Estradiol. It is an AI, or aromitase inhibitor.

    Either one would have a similar effect on the hypothalimus, by stopping it from getting the signal from E2, it will kick out more GNRH, and in return your pituitary responds to the GNRH signal by making more LH and FSH, which then stimulate the testes to produce testosterone again.

    The reason why most prefer a SERM over an AI, is that while SERMs block E2 at the hypothalimus, they also facilitae several of the important functions of E2. That is important because a lot of guys have severely messed up lipids and the such after a heavy cycle. Nolva and Clomid help with that a bit too.

    While Arimidex likely would work at getting the LH and FSH flowing again, it can drop the E2 too low, and that only hurts your lipids more, as well as making you feel even worse than the SERMs can. It will drop your E2 to virtually nothing and not facilitate the important functions of it the way a SERM will.

    Some will use Arimidex for a few days after comming off of a SERM based PCT, as while the SERM is blocking the E2, the E2 level does climb rather high. Its not doing anything because its effects are being blocked, but sometimes once the SERMs are stopped, the elevated E2 floods back in and can casue problems. Hence the short course use of an AI for a few days at the very end of PCT. Most guys don't do that, others prefer it.

  6. #6
    toothache's Avatar
    toothache is offline Senior Member
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    Use arimidex while on cycle only if needed.

    Nolva and clomid for pct

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