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  1. #1
    KrunchTyme is offline New Member
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    Half way done first cycle

    Okay so I am now half way done my first cycle of Sust 250. I have been taking 250 mg a week, and just did my 5th injection last night. I now have 5 ccs left. I'm feeling f***ing amazing. Gained about 15 lbs, inclining the 120lbs dumbells again no problem. No side effects. Nothing.

    I'm currently 19 years old (I know I'm too young so please don't talk about that, just answer the real question). I believe I will be doing Nolvadex for pct.

    So I know time on=time off. I was stupid and do not have the pct on me right now, but I can get it in a week at the max. I know to start pct 18 days after last injection with sust.

    Okay so here is the real question. I'm just getting 2000 pills of D-Bol that will last me a crap long time. I'm just wondering. If I get D-Bol in 5 days, CAN I START IT, and continue with it for the last 5 weeks of my Sust cycle?

    IF SO, then when would I start pct. Because with D-Bol it's like 24 hours after last administration, and sust is 18 days after injection. When would someone do it then?


    Should I just wait and start using D-Bol as the next cycle, after my 10 week pct cycle?

    In your opinion. Thanks =D

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    for the record, the recommendation is time on + pct = time off, but I know you're smarter than to start another cycle when you're 20.

    I'd hold off on the dbol . finish up, do a solid pct, get some blood work, then spend some time naturally.

  3. #3
    KrunchTyme is offline New Member
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    Yeah thats what I figure. I really jumped into the cycle out of nowhere. Like I did my research, but like 4 weeks into the cycle, I'm just like "Ah shit."

    But yeah I'm def going to get some blood work after the pct. Some buddies suggested that I do 500 mg a week, but I just said f%ck that.

    You see like, I compete in shows though, so the pressure is just there, and I don't think I've ever looked this big, so it's gonna suck doing it naturally again.

  4. #4
    bigpapabuff's Avatar
    bigpapabuff is offline Senior Member
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    You may also want some clomid for your pct, and if you need an AI go with something like aromasin or letro.

  5. #5
    love2liftiron's Avatar
    love2liftiron is offline Junior Member
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    clomid/nolva should be fine for that cycle imo.....good luck bro!!

  6. #6
    lifterjaydawg is offline Senior Member
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    May 2006
    clomid and nolva should be all you need for PCT, good luck.....

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