Hi Guys,

I have a teeny tiny amount of gyno in one nipple (right) that has either been there all my life and I only jsut noticed 4 months ago, or started 4 motnhs ago. Basically I did a cycle of Epistane, and someone mentioned gyno so I checked ot see if I had it and felt this small lump, which is slighty tender if I pinch it. Theres what feels like two hard lumps, unnotiable to the eye, and only really able to feel it when the nipple skin is loose. One lump is tiny tiny tiny can barely feel not sure if it is even a lump, other lump when skin is soft feels like a small ball bearing but not as hard..

Anyway I started letro 9 days ago, started on .5mg/ED and slowly tapered up and now I am on my 3rd day of 1.25mg/ED..

It is called Fempro, generic letro from a reputable site, tablet form.. However my gyno has maybe shrunk a bit (hard to tell when its small), or not at all... and I ahve ZERO SIDES,, maybe my sex drive is down, I only masterbute once a day at present, no aching joints, but maybe thats becuae I play bball 3 times a week at present?

I mean should I up my dose to 2.5mgs? Im only 195lbs 6ft 3", so didn't know what dose to follow...

However whatever the weather im coming of letro in 2 weeks time and starting another cyle of HDrol or m1t, the only reason Im doing this is becuase I was told if I go on cycle it will get worse, which I dont want.. The level my gyno is at right now is so minor it doesn't bother me, but if it got worse so you could visibily see it, itd suck

Any advice guys? maybe my shit is bunk? maybe I should up dosage? maybe I should jsut come of and run m1t, and letro at 0.5mg/EOD?