Thread: MY PCT with heavy cycle
03-28-2010, 09:37 PM #1
MY PCT with heavy cycle
Im going to be runnig 125mg of prop and tren a EOD. for 12 weeks. 3 weeks of Dbol , and 9 weeks of anavar . I have nolvadex and clomid and HCG . WHat do you propose for pct. I know nothing about the HCG, but I have used clomid nad nolv before. I was thinkging as far as the clmid and nolv
day 1 clom 200 then rest of week 150, week 2 100mg and week 3 and 4 50 mg. Doe this make sense?
Nolv 40mg week 1 week 2 30mg week 3 20mg week 4 10mg.
03-28-2010, 11:12 PM #2
Ive been doing some research today for the same question. I think i got my PCT striaght but i have zero experience with tren and HGC So i'll give you a bump to see what kind of answers you get.
03-29-2010, 07:47 AM #3
if you search through my previouse posts ther is one one pct from year ago. But wasent sure If I should follow the same protocall with this cycle.
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