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  1. #1
    Sex-Machine is offline New Member
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    Testosterone + Cortisol and Testicle/Adrenal Recovery

    Cortisol suppresses your adrenal functions, it then might effect your PCT recovering and your overall gains. Before you go into a cycle check your levels, along with your testosterone levels . If your body is in a lot of stress it might leave you with low testosterone levels and high cortisol levels.

    Free Levels Testosterone might be low, tho the total would be fine. The only way to fix this is try and wake up all your muscle groups. There is an option to try TRT along with as AAS to help boost the system/energy levels for a proper workout. Also, blood clotting factors can also be a huge factor towards this.

    Hopefully you catch my drift and understand that cortisol can really screw you up. Stress can mean that your in a very severe state of catabolism where its hard for you to get out of bed, or work out and do daily functions.

    As for PCT, it might not be needed as you can just taper your self off of the Testosterone. Just like any other type of drug. Nolvadex is a estrogen blocker only for the breast tissue. Take it if you start to have problems with your breasts. Let your liver do its job, to remove the estrogen.

    Just thought this might help some people.
    Last edited by Sex-Machine; 10-07-2010 at 11:23 PM.

  2. #2
    M302_Imola's Avatar
    M302_Imola is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Glass Case of Emotion
    Good post! Vitamin C has been proven to reduce cortisol levels, especially beneficial during PCT.

  3. #3
    Sex-Machine is offline New Member
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    Sep 2010
    Yes, I was thinking to get Vitamin C Injections, something by the name of Laroscorbine Platinum Vitamin C IV with Collagen. It is suppose to help alot, tho side affect can be kidney stones/calcium formation. That should only happen if the cortisol levels are high, due to the cortisol manipulating the bone structure and density. High levels of cortisol leads to more calcium being excreted in the urine. Thus increasing the formation of calcium droplets or deposits in the urinary system.

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