Currently have 3 to 4 weeks left of my prop, tren , winny. I have been reading alot in this forum to use start hcg 3 to 4 weeks before cycle is over. I already have my hcg, nolva, aromasin prepared for pct, but if i was to satrat my hcg jnow instead of with pct how do i do this? have a couple of questions hope you guys can help.

1. what dose and how often do i take hcg while on cycle.

2. when do i discontinue hcg usage, at the end of cycle when i start pct or just a cuple of wweks before pct is over?

3. ive read that if you take hcg while on cycle i shoul also take nolva, if so at what dose?

4.Given that i do take hcg while on starting today or tomorow how do i go about with the rest of my pct?

thnks for your help>>> have reserched but found alot of mix answers