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  1. #1
    DBolNoob is offline Banned
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    Milk thistle PCT Questions ..

    hi guys.

    just wondering if you could just use the milk thistle you can buy in a Holland&Barret (pretty sure i can say this company as its legal? im not breaking no rules am i?) store for PCT for a Test E & Dbol cycle?

    or has it got to be a specific type because maybe the H&B product will be Cheap crap?

    also some say you should take it with your cycle to protect your liver, others say its worth waiting until PCT to take it cos it reduces the potency of your steroids ?

    what you guys think?

  2. #2
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Hi mate, i got mine from HandB, seems ok to me, although on the label it says to take one tablet per serving ie with your dbol ( i used var) but i found two or three tabs to more effective( less liver pain, thats the whole point right ?)

    not sure about your last statement, but the idea is to protect your liver, the stroids are far more powerful than a plant extract, in pct the liver toxins will dissappear with time anyway i think, well mine did anyway.

    hope this helps, whAT are your stats anyway bro ?

  3. #3
    DBolNoob is offline Banned
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    yeah good.. just glad i can get mine down the road then, and be able to get some more quickly if needed etc during cycle

    and stats are 6ft 140lbs ..

    i know what your goin to say.. that i need to put more weight on.

    but trust me ive tried sooooooo hard to

    i could eat junk food all day and NOTHING will change. ( belive me ive tried )

    so please dont comment anything like i need to bulk more. i know what i need to do.

    ps thanks for the reply,, thats 2 things now youve helped me with

  4. #4
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    lol, i know with the two things but listen, the next thing is gonna be the biggest tip, seriously if you dont hear5 it from me your only gonna hear from someone else on here, and trust me this is the best forum to be on, the wisest most experinced and biggest lifters hang out here bro, so at 6ft and only 140lbs im guessing your young right ? please tell me your age,you know if you take roids too early it could fvck you up for the rest of life, is it really worth it ? next thing we gotta work your diet out bro, you know bodybuilding is 80% diet and 20% lifting. I wish i startd eating properly when i was younger i would be a monster by now, junk food is not the food to muscle on it only puts fat on, muscle food is oats, rice pasta, chicken steak tuna egg whites, carbs and protein in equal measures 5/6 meals a day.

    I think the best advice i can give you right now is to join the remote trainer on here, just type remote trainer into the search function and sign up, these are world class trainers and will help you out as much as possible.

    Just tryin to help a bro out.

  5. #5
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    another thing are you from the uk ?

  6. #6
    DBolNoob is offline Banned
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    yeah i know the drill mate.

    im 19 and know im "too young" but these sides people always go on about and scare others with are MUCH more likely to happen to those who abuse steroids .
    people like pro bodybuilders who have been doing them on and off for years! all the people who have been in the media whether theyre WWE or sports people dying or
    becoming seriously ill are because they abuse the steroids. they have cycles of like 900ml test and countless other crap a week.

    im only goin to be on a moderate cycle.

    i understand peoples concerns with the "young" on gear, but the job im hopefully joining soon is more likely to kill/mess me up then steroids will.
    and yeah im from the UK.
    i also understand the importance with diet which i didnt a few years ago.
    but i havent committed myself to a seriouse diet i have planned as people close to me such as family etc will then know im "on" gear
    if i put on 10-15lbs in a few weeks out of the blue.

    atleast if they do notice the gains, its easily passed off because of the diet im using and it will just look like the food is giving me the extra weight.

    furthermore thanks for the info on the remote trainer thing. sounds good and i will check it out soon

  7. #7
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    at 19 its not the sides its the permanant damage, at least give it a couple of years with a proper diet.

    after diet, training and steroids is pct, this is the most important part of cycle, please tell me you have researched thid and ordered appropiatly to suit you cycle.

    Can a vet or guru or experienced member chime in here please.

  8. #8
    DBolNoob is offline Banned
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    yeah i have.. ive been researching for months and im about to place an order for my cycle i have planned out.

    im using milk thistle and Nolvadex caps

  9. #9
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    please post up your cycle and pct before you order

  10. #10
    DBolNoob is offline Banned
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    Week Testosterone ( Enanthate ) Dianabol
    1 500 mgs ------------------- 30 mgs/day
    2 500 mgs ------------------- 30 mgs/day
    3 500 mgs ------------------- 30 mgs/day
    4 500 mgs ------------------- 30 mgs/day
    5 500 mgs ------------------- 30 mgs/day
    6 500 mgs
    7 500 mgs
    8 500 mgs
    9 500 mgs
    10 500 mgs


    Dosages of nolvadex for PCT protocol
    Day 1 100mg
    Following 10 days 60mg
    Following 10 days 40mg

    + milk thistle

    What you think?....

  11. #11
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    to be honest i think the pct is a bit weak, for what it costs I would buy some clomid too,

    go with this :
    clomid 100/100/50/50
    nolva 40/40/20/20

    I never had the dbol myself so cant comment on it, i stayed away from it beacause it retains water which yoiu loose instatntly when you stop taking it.

    look mate get your dietr on order first or just wasting your cash and health, post your diet up next bro

  12. #12
    werms is offline Associate Member
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    Where is the HCG ?

    Where is the ExtremeStane?

    What is your diet going to be like?

    Do you plan to have kids ever?

    What does your blood work look like?

    IMHO. You're Cycle should be Creatine/Jack3d or noXpload/Whey and Casein.

  13. #13
    DBolNoob is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by werms View Post
    Where is the HCG ?

    Where is the ExtremeStane?

    What is your diet going to be like?

    Do you plan to have kids ever?

    What does your blood work look like?

    IMHO. You're Cycle should be Creatine/Jack3d or noXpload/Whey and Casein.

    Well IMHO if i was gaining on those supps already iu wouldnt be here, would i?

    and as for kids... i HIGHLY doubt i will become incompetent after one cycle?
    if that was the case no one would use Roids!

    my diet is good so im not goin to waste 20mins posting it on here cos i know its fine.

    also i was looking into HCG. but as i havent placed any orders for anything yet i have time to research more about it.

  14. #14
    werms is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DBolNoob View Post
    Well IMHO if i was gaining on those supps already iu wouldnt be here, would i?

    and as for kids... i HIGHLY doubt i will become incompetent after one cycle?
    if that was the case no one would use Roids!

    my diet is good so im not goin to waste 20mins posting it on here cos i know its fine.

    also i was looking into HCG. but as i havent placed any orders for anything yet i have time to research more about it.
    Research is Key

  15. #15
    DBolNoob is offline Banned
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    sure is

    i should hopefully getting some bloodwork done in the new year to see if my body aint already got summin wrong goin on before i start a cycle.

    once i get it done, then i will start to invest in some gear, but until then im goin to do more research and learn more..

    thanks for input and concerns

  16. #16
    toooosmall's Avatar
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    wow, I'm holdin off my first cycle for a month to continue research and get my diet crisp and cardio on. 80/20 diet/training is the best/truest statement i've heard all month. like the dude said, where's the stane (aromasin ) (ar-r )? and I've read nolva 10-20g ed throughout the cycle, too. someone correct me if I'm wrong please. you don't want bitch tits, etc.

  17. #17
    Userat204 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DBolNoob View Post
    Well IMHO if i was gaining on those supps already iu wouldnt be here, would i?

    and as for kids... i HIGHLY doubt i will become incompetent after one cycle?
    if that was the case no one would use Roids!

    my diet is good so im not goin to waste 20mins posting it on here cos i know its fine.

    also i was looking into HCG. but as i havent placed any orders for anything yet i have time to research more about it.
    Ok first of all it won't make you "incompetent" I'm assuming you mean impotent. 1 cycle can indeed make you shut down and loose your sex drive and render you impotent. That's why pct is critical. You need hcg . If you did research then you would know that you don't need 100mg nolvadex . Use 40,40,20,20 and add some clomid. You also need an AI incase of sides on cycle like adex,exemstane,letro. When people say you could be messed up, they are not talking just about sides they are talking about permenant damage to your hpta. Milk thissle is the least of your worries, and that should be used during the cycle to help protect your liver. It's not a pct compound but you can continue to use it during pct but the point is to help your liver during the cycle. Now I can promise you that your diet is the problem. I started at 140lbs and aas will make you gain some weight but you will loose all of it when you are done because of your diet. I don't even need to see it to know it's the case because I've been there. I used to eat so much junk. Tons of calories and no weight gain. I don't hold any fat so it did nothing. When I began to eat properly I began to gain weight/muscle for the first time in my life. I'm only saying this because I was stubborn like you and didn't believe that was the problem. It's genetics and eating the right food with training will give you results. Stay away from aas at this point but since I don't think you will then you need to be smart and make sure you pct is well thought out. I'm not trying to scare you or be a jerk but you don't know as much as you think you do about this and it's evident so read as much as possible and be smart about it because it's pointless to use aas then loose all of the muscle and weight you gain
    Last edited by Userat204; 12-25-2010 at 11:44 PM.

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