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Thread: Letrozole

  1. #1
    Joe-MA is offline New Member
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    For anyone considering using letro I'd just like to throw my person opinion of it out there.

    I have been using letro for 4 days now on cycle as I have slight gyno that was left over from puberty and figured might as well do it on cycle so as to hopefully prevent loss of libido.

    Pro's: people say it removes gyno

    Cons: after 4 days and only reaching a 1.5mg dose I feel like death incarnate. I questioned going to the ER to get myself checked out but I'm assuming that I'm just panicking because my main point of concern is my heart/blood pressure and I have a blood pressure monitor at home that does bpm as well. While I haven't reached anything out of acceptable ranges I am fluctuating quite a bit. I can't sleep and while I'm strong minded/willed enough to fight off any noticeable signs of depression it is obvious to me this drug is causing severe anxiety from my daily routine.

    Furthermore it's totally not worth it to me to remove the small amount of gyno with these sides as I feel as though they maybe dangerous if i kept them prolonged. Guess if I want the gyno gone it's surgery for me. Hope anyone considering Letro takes this under advisement. Letro is serious shit, the hardcore of the hardcore.

  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar
    Matt is offline AR's Hot British Pimp Daddy ~HOF~
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    I would never use letro for anything, adex or stane as your ai and nolva for gyno issues.....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

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