I will be comin off shorty from this cycle
11 weeks
Test-E 500 mg/week w 1-11
D-bol 30/40 mg/day w 1-5
Proviron 50/75 mg w 5-11

now I want to run a traditional clomid-nolva like:
clomid: 100/50/50/50
nolva: 20/20/20/20/20

question 1) should i add a week more for clomid?
question 2) dosage seems fair to me: am i a little on the low side?

I haven't noticed any severe testicle shrinkage, so i haven't run any HCG and don't plan to do it now as i'm approaching the end of the cycle
so far i haven't had any noticeable side: no acne, no oily skin, no major irritability (instead mostly proactive and positive approach also at work!!)
just some night sweats here adn there, backpump while on d-bol and, most annoing, I sweat twice as much when i train or when i'm out clubbing (definitely the most annoing)
i' m waiting to see liver results, as the ones i'm mostly concerned about: I don't drink and i keep my diet clean. (also after d-bol i started milk-thistle 800mg a day...not that i expect much from it, but sure it won't kill)

another question 3) I'm planning to keep up with proviron all the way through PCT @ 75mg/day
i know many use it as bridging compound between cycles and as a good recovery compound, so i decided to keep it also for PCT

any advice off course very welcomed