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  1. #1
    parkey_08 is offline New Member
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    Deca/Sus PCT Help Needed

    ive been on a deca /sus cycle for about 5 - 6 weeks now, but have decided to cut it short as i have early gyno symptoms. My right nipple has dropped lower than my left nipple :\

    for PCT i have clomid and tamoxifen . Been told to wait 3 weeks after my last shot and take 20mg of tamoxifen a day and 50mg Clomid everyday for 30days.

    A few people have told me i should do one more shot of sus but not deca before i start pct, what are your opinions?

    also what shall i do for PCT?

    thanks to anyone who can help

  2. #2
    parkey_08 is offline New Member
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    Bump anyone?

  3. #3
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    Between your girls thighs
    they both have the same esters so i dont see a problem. the problem i see is the timing of your PCT, so just make sure you run your SERM's for at least 6 weeks

  4. #4
    Humungus's Avatar
    Humungus is offline New Member
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    Your PCT that you have chosen is good and correct. You should do 2 more weeks of Sus before stopping completely. Regardless of esters length you do not want to be coming off cold with Deca still running in your system as it has adverse sides when not enough test is running with it. As far as one nipple hanging lower than the other... I am not sure what you mean. But if you do believe you are suffering from Gyno start your Tamox now and not the usual 2 weeks after your last shot. Bring the Clomi into it 2 weeks after your last shot. So I would run 2 more weeks of Sus after your last shot of Deca along with the Tamox and add Clomi 2 weeks after. I dont know how much Tamox you have but you might want to consider getting more to cover your last 2 weeks on and first 2 weeks off....

  5. #5
    THE-DET-OAK is offline Banned
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    Between your girls thighs
    he needs to wait at least 3 weeks after sustanon , and even that is short

  6. #6
    parkey_08 is offline New Member
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    my right nipple is slightly lower than my left nipple and my right areola (pink around the nipple) is bigger than my left one?

    does this mean i have gyno symptons or is this normal?

    ive started taking b6 and vitex as i heard that can help???

  7. #7
    parkey_08 is offline New Member
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    does anyone recommend i take letro or not?

  8. #8
    parkey_08 is offline New Member
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    bump anyone?

  9. #9
    Tiny_Tank's Avatar
    Tiny_Tank is offline New Member
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    I recomend letro

    while i'm not an expert or even intermediate on much of the above convo, I do know gyno when i hear it =P. On the deca /sust cyle i just completed, I experienced the exact same gyno symptoms as you after 5 weeks, I immediately been the taper up on letro. one nipple began to enlarge and turn pink over a couple days time. After tapering up on letro, (4-5 days) both areolas had at least doubled in size, pink, and developed glandular tissue underneath the size of a dime.

    After running [lion's] letro at 2.5mg / day for 30 days, continuing my cycle and workouts, I saw no sign of improvement. In fact, it was WORSE by far than before. I now had knots the size of 6 stacked quarters on both sides that protruded out 1/2 an inch from my chest (disgustingly embarrassing).

    Perseverance is key, something magical happened to me at day 33, the letro showed its first signs of reversal of gyno. By now i was feeling groggy, achy, lazy, but determined not to go under the knife. By the 40th day, there was no sign that the gyno had been there besides small stretches in skin. Everything back to regular color and size.

    Conclusion, YES I RECOMMEND LETRO IT IS NOT EASY BUT IT WORKS! patience/perseverance is the key to everything.

    (pardon my grammatical /spelling errors =P)

    Best link below for gyno, worked excellent for me
    Last edited by Tiny_Tank; 05-19-2011 at 01:03 PM. Reason: Addition of link

  10. #10
    parkey_08 is offline New Member
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    where did u get your letro? i cant get it from anywhere

  11. #11
    Tiny_Tank's Avatar
    Tiny_Tank is offline New Member
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    letro I got from AR-R , the link at the top right of the page. Lion is the owner, many legit products for sale and very modest prices IMO.

    Also: If you got a chance to check out the link, you'll see that the longer you wait, the more you risk it becoming permanent. I have heard success stories however of people waiting a couple months tops and letro pulled through, but after a much more lengthy and costly duration. I wont lie, letro makes you feel like shit, my joints feel like rusty door hinges, and my libido is not so trusty (and I'm in my 20s). Glucosomine chondroitin, plenty of water, stretching, and other things can help with the joint discomfort but you DO NOT want to stay on letro for longer than you have to. Study hard to make your decision soon when it comes to gyno.
    Last edited by Tiny_Tank; 05-19-2011 at 11:08 PM.

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