so basically i ran gear from age 17- 19.5, i did a couple of pro hormones before that when i was about 15, none of these cycles were done with pct. i was an idiot, i know.

after my last cycle which was in summer of 2009. fast forward to now and i feel like an old man, tired, no sex drive, no motivation, depression. i had some nolva on hand earlier this year and ran that to no avail.

its been almost 2 years now since my last cycle and im just wondering what i should do. i need to get this issue fixed, im sick of feeling like this.

do i just go straight to an endo? i have nolva and clomid on hand as of now. but im thinking that even if i take the nolva/clomid its just going to prolong this issue in the sense that it wont work and ill have to wait that much longer for me to finish them offf plus wait for my blood levels to stabilize in order for the bloodwork to show where im truly at.